NEWS | CH-53G in DE Luftwaffe

Elbit to Upgrade German CH-53 Self Protection Systems

Israeli Elbit to provide Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) and Electronic Warfare Controller (EWC) to upgrade self-protection systems for German CH‑53GS/GE helicopters

Elbit to Upgrade German CH-53 Self Protection Systems
Elbit Systems, February 11, 2020 - Haifa, Israel – Elbit Systems announced that it was selected by the Federal Office for Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology, and In-Service Support to support the preliminary design of Airborne Electronic Warfare (EW) self-protection systems for the CH‑53 GS/GE transport helicopters, as part of the platform upgrade program led by Airbus Helicopters.

Mature and combat proven, the EW systems to be provided include Elbit Systems’ unified, digital Radar Warning Receivers (RWR) and EW Controllers (EWC).

Elbit Systems’ digital RWR and EWC rapidly detect and accurately locate a wide range of impinging enemy threats, even in a dense EW environment, enabling reliable and timely warning to the aircrew.

The digital RWR and EWC feature complete and independent threat programmability enabling seamless update of emitter libraries as well as flight data recording for pilot debriefing and training.

Their low size, weight and power, as well as low life cycle costs, further increase the operational effectiveness and efficiency of the systems.

About Elbit Systems: Elbit Systems Ltd. is an international high technology company engaged in a wide range of defense, homeland security and commercial programs throughout the world.

The Company, which includes Elbit Systems and its subsidiaries, operates in the areas of aerospace, land, and naval systems, command, control, communications, computers, intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (“C4ISR”), unmanned aircraft systems, advanced electro-optics, electro-optic space systems, EW suites, signal intelligence systems, data links and communications systems, radios and cyber-based systems and munitions.

The Company also focuses on the upgrading of existing platforms, developing new technologies for defense, homeland security and commercial applications and providing a range of support services, including training and simulation systems.

Elbit to Upgrade German CH-53 Self Protection Systems


Good news and the new Elbit DAS kit and scaleable concept looks very promising. Shame it comes so short prior the CH53’s end of operational use. I hope at least that the integration offers the chance to gain experience with the new generation of digital EW suites to be prepared for the successor.
Nice to hear. CH53 GS/GE will soon be over. Will EW fit to the coming German STH, either CH53 K or CH47 Chinook ? 
        The Elbit digital EWS is scaleable with an open architecture for quick and easy integration and adaption. The closest answer to your question could be found within the marketing posts of the two bidding consortiums. As I don‘t find Elbit involved yet, I think the further use of the now delivered gear is unlikely. Best Regards

  See also

CH-53G in DE Luftwaffe
Eurocopter CH-53G
IL Elbit Systems
DE Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH     Airbus Helicopters Germany





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