NEWS | Super Puma/Cougar in BR Helibras

Helibras H225 Simulator receives ANAC Certification

Helibras H225 helicopter Full Flight Simulator received certification from the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) for courses and training to the offshore market operators.

Helibras H225 Simulator receives ANAC Certification
Helibras, October 08, 2015 - The Full Flight Simulator (FFS) for H225 and H225M helicopters installed at the Helibras's Centro de Treinamento e Simuladores (CTS, Simulators Training Center) received certification from the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) for courses and training to the offshore market operators.

To grant the certification, the ANAC inspected the facilities of the CTS, the activities proposed in training programs, specifications and technology used in the Helibras FFS which is the most modern existing in the world.

Now Helibras is able to perform theoretical and practical training to Brazilians and foreigners operators.

Besides qualifying operators, the use of simulators in training contributes to increased flight safety.

In the last two weeks, the team leader for training pilots of Airbus Helicopters, Christophe Marchal, was in Brazil to train and certify the CTS instructors who are already able to start training H225 customers.

Opened in less than two months, the CTS is preparing to receive the first military group for training in its facilities which will be from the Brazilian Army and will take place in October. In addition, on October 19-23 will be given a "Ground School" of EC130B4/H130 for the civilian market customer.

  See also

Super Puma/Cougar in BR Helibras
Eurocopter EC225LP
Airbus H225
helicopter Helicopters Flight School - Training Civilian
Helibras H225 Simulator Inaugurated in Rio
ANAC BR Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil Governo do Brasil     Federal Government of Brazil





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