NEWS | MRMC US Flight for Life State of Wisconsin

Flight For Life Recognized Vertiport Chicago

Since the Vertiport Chicago opened 2015, it has provided safe and secure landing site for Flight For Life (FFL) and other air medical helicopters

Flight For Life Recognized Vertiport Chicago
Vertiport Chicago, April 21, 2017 - Since the Vertiport Chicago opened in April of 2015, it has provided a much needed safe and secure landing site for Flight For Life (FFL) and other air medical helicopters bringing critically ill patients to Chicago hospitals.

The Vertiport also offers refueling so that Flight For Life remains flight-ready and has a climate controlled environment for the pilot while waiting for the medical crew to return from the receiving hospital.

Vertiport has hosted safety-related meetings for the Illinois Association of Air and Critical Care Transport (IAACCT) whose membership is comprised of all Illinois air medical programs and several specialty transport providers.

As with any new facility there have been small challenges that have been encountered. The Vertiport team has stepped up and immediately worked with FFL to resolve any issues with a focus on safety and customer service. For example, FFL asked to have automated access through the dedicated ambulance gate. The Vertiport responded quickly and now FFL has improved and ready access to the ramp without delay, improving its ability to rapidly transport critical patients.

Throughout this process the team has partnered closely with FFL to keep safety as the number one priority. This has included proactive and open dialogue each time there have been concerns, events that could potentially affect safety or access for incoming aircraft or if there have been issues related to the actual facility or fueling.

“The Vertiport Chicago and their team provide a safe landing site for our patients and crews as well as other flight programs who fly patients into Chicago,” said FFL transport system director Jim Singer. “I feel confident in the safety of our patients, flight crews and aircraft when we utilize the facility.”

It is for these reasons and many more that the FFL-McHenry safety committee chose to recognize the Vertiport Chicago team with the “Partners in Safety” Award. This award was developed to acknowledge a specific facility or department’s dedication to safety and “above and beyond” efforts to ensure the continued safety of FFL’s patients, crew and aircraft.

Location : US Vertiport Chicago

  See also

MRMC US Flight for Life State of Wisconsin





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