East Midlands Aeropark

Derby , Leicestershire , England

united kingdom United Kingdom

Satellite and aerial maps of East Midlands Aeropark with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
East Midlands , England 1.2099EGNX
Donington Park , England 1.5244
LLAM Castle Donington , England 1.6114
March Covert , England 4.1067
Melbourne Hall , England 5.2251GBMBE
Beacon Hill , England 13.4150

  East Midlands Aeropark

52° 49' 58.44'' N     1° 20' 45.60'' W
NW corner East Midland Airport, Derby, Leicestershire, England

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List of aircraft and events at East Midlands Aeropark

By Date | By Serial | By Model

HAR3XG588 may86 08apr04 26oct09 13 29jul21 05jun23
HC.2XT604 15sep02 06feb03 14nov04 02jun06 25aug07 03jun10 02may11 19feb12 13 29nov15 09sep21
AH.1XX457 mar12 31may15
HAS.2XZ721 feb18 07apr23
HC.4ZD477 13sep18 01sep19 07apr23

Helicopters for sale
Future helicopters
Flying a helicopter
Helicopter stories
TV and movies

Helicopter books
Helicopter patches
Helicopter model kits
