Although it is maintained by Jorge Gazzola, this site belongs to numerous people who participe of diverse ways from the beginning. Online since 1997, the amount of visitors and the size of the site has grown immensely through the years :
I really appreciate all the inputs I have received from visitors that has allowed the updates, articles, and pictures that are stored on this web site. Many thanks to the following for helping with this site. Your help is greatly appreciated! and if I forgot someone please forgive me and advise! Contributions big & small, here they are ...
People: Norio Aoki, Gary Assels, Steve Atherton, Santiago Aversa, Tom Beard, Glenn Beare, Helena Berg, Denes Bernad, Martin Blanco, Nicolas Boltoukhine, Lorenzo Borri, Andy Brooks, Cathy Bruggner, Jean Claude Cailliez, Alex Calder, Rupak Chattopadhyay, Mark Chapman, Arnold Christensen, Horacio Claria, Gerry Clipperton, Roy Cochrun, Taylor Cox, Tom Cooper, Al Danelsbeck, Freddie DeVore, Eugene Dvurechenski, Dana Eckart, Kevin Fogg, Harry Francis, Urban Fredriksson, Carlos Garcia, Dave Gibbings, Andrew Gibson, Pierre Gillard, Eric Graven, Alexei Gretchikhine, Rebecca Gross, Gregory Gough, Lou Ann Haddock, Andreas Haeggbom, Michael Hagerty, Kevin Hale, John Hax, Jay Hendrickson, Syl Heumann, Chuck Holloway, Ed Holmes, Euan Hooper, Georgina Hunter Jones, Raul Hrubisko, Luc Jerome, Steve Jones, Dave Kasten, Cindy Keller, James Kinter, Michael Koellner, Albert Lautenslager, Gilles Lehoux, Jorge Leonardi, Gabriel Llado, Chris Loney, Hernan Longoni, Filipe Lopes, Butch Lottman, Charles J. Lumsden, Martin Lustyk, Joe Martinez, Gorka Martinez Mezo, Mike May, Scott MacDonald, George McKee, Gabriel Miranda Naon, Pedro Monteiro Oliveira, Leon Moore, Patrick Mosterd, Thomas Mueller, Paul Nann, Pawel Okulski, Jim Oltersdorf, Martin Otero, Yiannis Papakostopoulos, Andreas Parsch, Gordon Permann, Simon Posluk, Luke Preisner, Thimothy Pruitt, Borivoj Radojcic, Andres Rangugni, Willard Reeves Jr, Martin Rizzoli, Facundo Rovira, Dimitri Sambanis, Alexandre Savine, Vladimir Savov, Bill Scrivens, Naresh Sharma, Kiran Singh, Phil Slattery, Kathryn Soland, Jorge Souto, Maksim Starostin, Jos Stevens, David Sumner, Dave Taskis, Andrew Toppan, Benno van Noort, Robert Veenhuizen, Christian Villada, Todd Vorenkamp, Vince Welling, Paul Wiegman, Matt Willson, Robert B. Wisler, Chris Woods, Nancy Wright, Soji Yamakawa, Petr Zaoral Companies and Organizations: Aerospatiale, AgustaWestland, American Eurocopter, American Sportscopter Inc, Aviacion Ejercito Argentino, Bell Helicopters, Boeing Historical Archives, Brantly, British Helicopter Advisory Board, Canadian Home Rotor Inc, Cicare Helicopters, Connecticut Air Space Center, Eurocopter EADS, Hillberg Helicopters, Hiller Aviation Museum, Indiana Military Organization, Kaman Corp, Mc Donnell Douglas Corp, NASA, Pop a Smoke! Team, Robinson Helicopters, Rotorspot, Rotorway Helicopters, Sikorsky, Smithsonian Institution, Swiss Armed Forces Film Service, US Army, US Coast Guard, US Naval Historical Center, Westland And of course our past and present sponsors ! Without them could not be online. and last, but not least ... the developer teams of the tools that powers the web site |