NAS Patuxent River

Patuxent River , Maryland

usa USA

Satellite and aerial maps of NAS Patuxent River with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
St Mary County Regional , Maryland 12.52852W6
Webster Field , Maryland 15.4187
Easton / Newnam Field , Maryland 64.9027KESN
Indian Head , Maryland 67.43012W5
Andrews AFB , Maryland 70.5325KADW
Lee , Maryland 74.3349KANP

  NAS Patuxent River

1942 to present

38° 17' 9.95'' N     76° 24' 42.11'' W
Lexington Park, Patuxent River, Maryland
Elevation: 25 feet

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  List of units at NAS Patuxent River

Years Unit
1987/92MSPSA365 Dauphin 2, 206,
1975-    VX-20MQ-8C Fire Scout,
1970-    VX-1MQ-8A/B Fire Scout, S-70 H-60,
1949-    HX-21CMV-22B Osprey, VH-92A Patriot, CH-53K King Stallion, V-22 Osprey, UH-1Y Venom,
1945-    USNTPSUH-72A Lakota, TH-6B Cayuse,
??/56VXE-6S-58 H-34, HH-1N,

  NAS Patuxent River News

Marines CH-53K Transports F-35 Jet

Marines CH-53K Transports F-35 Jet

05-May-24 - A US Marine’s new CH-53K helicopter, assigned to VMX-1 squadron, transported a F-35C airframe between test sites Pax River in Maryland and Lakehurst in New Jersey #Marines
Seahawk Electronic Suite Tested in Anechoic Chamber

Seahawk Electronic Suite Tested in Anechoic Chamber

20-Dec-23 - The US Navy and Lockheed Martin tested the attack capabilities of the Advanced Off-Board Electronic Warfare (AOEW) system on a Sikorsky MH-60R Seahawk helicopter in the anechoic chamber of the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division at Naval Air Station Patuxent River #ElectronicWarfare
CH-53K Completes Second Successful Sea Trial

CH-53K Completes Second Successful Sea Trial

05-Apr-23 - The US Marine Corps’ new heavy-lift helicopter, the CH-53K King Stallion, completed its second sea trials with five days and nights aboard the San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock USS Arlington (LPD24). This follows the initial successful sea trials of June 2020 #USSArlington
Czech Aircrew Completes UH-1Y/AH-1Z Training in USA

Czech Aircrew Completes UH-1Y/AH-1Z Training in USA

01-Apr-23 - US Marine Light Attack Helicopter Training Squadron HMLAT-303 completed the training of Czech Rep Air Force aircrews on their new AH-1Z / UH-1Y helicopters ahead of aircraft delivery #Czechia
CH-53K Lifts F-35 in Sling Load Test

CH-53K Lifts F-35 in Sling Load Test

27-Jan-23 - Marines new heavy lift helicopter Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion assigned to Marine Operational Test and Evaluation Squadron VMX-1 completed an external load certification lift of a F-35C jet fighter at NAS Pax River #F35
New Electronic Warfare System for Osprey

New Electronic Warfare System for Osprey

20-Jul-21 - The U.S. Marine Corps’ newest Intrepid Tiger II (IT II) Electronic Warfare (EW) capability flew for the first time on an MV-22B Osprey. The tilt-rotor does not have wing stations so the AN/ALQ-231(V)4 consists of a roll-on/roll-off rack-mounted payload controlled from a laptop in the aircraft cabin #ECM
Test Pilots Pushing Boundaries

Test Pilots Pushing Boundaries

08-Feb-21 - Instructors at US Naval Test Pilot School (USNTPS) ensuring next generation of test pilots gain the skills necessary for testing the aircraft and systems of tomorrow #TestPilot
Pax River SAR Rescued Hawkeye Crew

Pax River SAR Rescued Hawkeye Crew

03-Nov-20 - Naval Air Station (NAS) Patuxent River P-8A Poseidon and MH-60S Seahawk successfully rescued an E-2C Hawkeye crew who had to bail out near Wallops Island in Virginia last August 31 during a routine training flight #Hawkeye
FlightSafety Wins TH-73 Simulators Contract

FlightSafety Wins TH-73 Simulators Contract

27-Aug-20 - US Navy awarded FlightSafety $363M for 18 simulators and other support services for the Advanced Helicopter Training System (AHTS) Leonardo TH-73A between 2021 and 2026. The TH-73A is based on the AW119Kx and will replace the Bell TH-57 Sea Ranger trainers #AHTS
CH-53K King Stallion First Time at Sea

CH-53K King Stallion First Time at Sea

25-Jun-20 - The future USMC heavy lift helicopter, the Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion, completed first sea trials aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD-1) #USSWasp
14-Jun-20 RESET for Marines CH-53E Super Stallion #RESET
23-Apr-20 CH-53E KRACEn Contract for Erickson #KRACEn
16-Apr-20 First Ferry Flight for the COD CMV-22 Osprey #FerryFlight
15-Apr-20 VX-20 Celebrates 45th anniversary #VX20
13-Apr-20 CH-53K Completed Air Refueling Tests #refueling
05-Jan-20 NAVAIR Increased Ospreys Operational Rate #Osprey
17-Dec-19 Engine Integration Issues on CH-53K Resolved #ExhaustGas
06-Dec-19 CH-53K Active Training Controls by Stirling #CH53K
02-Oct-19 Redesigned Gunner Seats for MH-60S Seahawks #Seats
31-Jul-19 Airbus Celebrates 10 Years of Navy’ Lakota #USNTPS
13-Jul-19 Osprey Test Aircraft Retired to Museum #Osprey
10-Jul-19 Initial Operational Capability for MQ-8C Fire Scout #FireScout
19-Nov-18 Marine One VH-92 First Time at the White House #MarineOne
02-Jun-18 Leonardo TH-119 Trainer at Pax River Expo #expo
21-Mar-18 CH-53K Passed Demo Test
06-Feb-18 CH-53K Lifted a Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV)
05-Jul-17 CH-53K Arrived to PAX in First Cross Country Flight
11-Apr-17 MQ-8C Completes First Test Period Aboard LCS
10-Aug-16 Marines to Repair 147 CH-53E in 3 Years
29-Jul-16 Osprey First Flight with 3D Printed Parts
03-Feb-16 V-22 Osprey Navy Variant Known as CMV-22B
29-Sep-15 Calspan to Modify Black Hawk for USNTPS
29-May-15 Naval Sea King Helicopter Now at Pax Museum
06-Feb-15 NAVAIR Advances CH/MH-53E Inspection Efforts
24-Mar-10 USNTPS UH-72A Lakotas have arrived
10-Jan-08 VH-71 Begins U.S. Flight Testing
09-May-06 Marine AH-1Z and UH-1Y Start OPEVAL
01-Mar-06 AH-1Z/UH-1Y Complete Developmental Testing
18-Jan-06 Fire Scout completes First Autonomous Ship Landings
18-Nov-05 Last U.S. Navy Sea King Helicopter Delivered
17-May-05 AH-1Z/UH-1Y complete first sea trials
19-Mar-03 NAVAIR helps Coast Guard arm helos for new mission

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