Hamble South

Southampton , Hampshire , England

united kingdom United Kingdom

Satellite and aerial maps of Hamble South with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
Hamble , England 1.0045EGHM
Warsash , England 2.5125
Vosper Thornycroft , England 5.4317GBWST
Port of Southampton , England 5.7303GBSOU
Segensworth North , England 5.9076
Mayflower Park , England 7.1307

  Hamble South

1916 to 1931

50° 51' 32.32'' N     1° 19' 51.96'' W
Hamble-le-Rice, Southampton, Hampshire, England
Elevation: 50 feet

Land acquired by Avro adjacent to the Seaplane base in 1916, where an aircraft factory was built amdist a community of aviation activities. Juan de Cierva moved here in 1925 to begin a 15 year collaboration with Avro on the development and production of autogyros, which eventually transferred to Hanworth.

The airfield component closed and flying was transferred across the road to Hamble North around 1931. The factory remained open.

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List of aircraft and events at Hamble South

1932 C.19 IV P G-ABXH

Helicopters for sale
Future helicopters
Flying a helicopter
Helicopter stories
TV and movies

Helicopter books
Helicopter patches
Helicopter model kits
