2020 to present

Bell 505 Jet Ranger X
spain Entrol

Entrol 505 Jet Ranger X

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Entrol H1000 Bell 505 Simulators at Korea Aviation High School

Entrol H1000 Bell 505 Simulators at Korea Aviation High School

15-Jan-25 - Spanish manufacturer Entrol has completed the installation of two H1000 simulators based on the Bell 505 helicopter at the Korea Aviation High School #Bell505
Entrol H1000 AATD Flight Simulator

Entrol H1000 AATD Flight Simulator

28-May-24 - Spanish manufacturer Entrol obtains the Letter of Approval (LOA) valid until February 2029 for its H1000 Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD) flight simulator based on the Bell 505 helicopter with Garmin G1000 avionics suite #H1000
Entrol Bell 505 Simulators for CAE USAF IFT-R Training

Entrol Bell 505 Simulators for CAE USAF IFT-R Training

26-Feb-24 - Spanish company Entrol delivered three Bell 505 helicopter simulators to CAE for the US Air Force Introductory Flight Training, Rotary Wing (IFT-R) program #simulator
Entrol Bell 505 Simulator

Entrol Bell 505 Simulator

09-Dec-20 - Spanish company Entrol finished development of the Bell 505 helicopter full training device FTD Level 2 simulator ordered last year by UAE-based Horizon International Flight Academy #Bell505
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