CAMTS Standards 12th Edition Suggestions

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) accepting changes for the 12th Edition of the standards. You can submit comments and suggestions

CAMTS Standards 12th Edition Suggestions
CAMTS, July 19, 2020 - The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) is accepting comments and suggestions for the 12th Edition of the CAMTS Standards.

The second draft of the 12th Edition is posted here with proposed changes highlighted.

You can submit comments and suggestions for standards changes at any time, however doing so now will allow us to consider them for the next revision. Be sure to reference the standard number in your comment. We will continue to accept comments and will issue updated drafts as new comments are reviewed. The tentative publication date for the 12th Edition Standards is October 2021.

We have also posted a list of all the comments/recommendations we have received for both the first and second drafts of the 12th Edition Standards and the committee considerations for each.

We are still particularly interested in receiving comments and suggestions for the standards related to clinical education. Advances in human patient simulation, interactive computer-based education and recent changes in national and internationally education programs have changed over the past several years.

CAMTS has generally supported educational courses that have been developed and endorsed by many of the practice organizations that are represented on the CAMTS Board. We have also been open to courses that have been developed or adapted by specific transport programs as long as they have been reviewed and approved by the CAMTS Education Committee.

We want to make sure the standards are leading best practices in initial and continuing education. How clinical competencies are established, measured and monitored are an extremely important part of the transport environment and your thoughts about these would be greatly appreciated.

Please let us know where we need to delete old standards, update current ones or add new ones. We look at the Standards as your Standards, written by the experts that do medical transport every day. Tell us what your doing and how you think the Standards need to change. For specific standard changes please use the Standard Comments and Change form noted above.

For more general comments on the education standards please send an e-mail to: [email protected] (Associate Executive Director) and/or [email protected] (Chair, CAMTS Education Committee)

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