NEWS | US Bell Helicopter

Students Part-Time Working at Bell’ STEP

Bell in partnership with non-profit Project Lead the Way, launched new high school Student Training Employment Program (STEP) for working part-time throughout the school year at Bell’ departments of Engineering, IT and Integrated Operations teams for an invaluable first job experience and potential future career

Students Part-Time Working at Bell’ STEP
Bell, September 15, 2019 - This week, Bell launched its new high school Student Training Employment Program (STEP).

The students and schools were selected through Bell’s partnership with Project Lead the Way, a non-profit that puts STEM classes into K-12 classrooms.

Students from Fort Worth and Arlington ISDs submitted their resumes and participated in onsite interviews.

Out of the many applications received, seven students were selected.

The seven students selected will be working part-time throughout the school year in various departments, partnering with our Engineering, IT and Integrated Operations teams to learn the ins and outs of our industry.

Earn invaluable experience

Along with school credit, these young minds will earn invaluable experience studying our aircraft and all the teamwork and collaboration it takes to achieve vertical flight.

In the future, Bell plans to expand the program by including more students and schools around the Dallas Fort Worth area. Creating a diverse and collaborative workplace starts with bringing in new ideas, especially when we have so much talent in our surrounding schools and neighborhoods.

This program is a wonderful opportunity to get students excited about vertical lift experiences and gain new perspectives from future innovators.

Aircraft mentioned in this article :
429 N429NA     ( Bell Helicopter )

  See also

US Bell Helicopter
helicopter Helicopters Flight School - Training Civilian




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