NEWS | TH Royal Thai Police

Bell at the Royal Thai Police Anniversary Event

Bell Helicopter participated in the Royal Thai Police (RTP) Office of Logistics anniversary event held in Bangkok, Thailand. Bell Helicopter presented a Bell 429 model to the RTP.

Bell at the Royal Thai Police Anniversary Event
Bell Helicopter, September 27, 2016 - Bell Helicopter participated in the Royal Thai Police (RTP) Office of Logistics anniversary event held in Bangkok, Thailand.

This is an annual event that acknowledges the establishment of this office in 1993 and their contributions to serve and protect the region.

To join in the celebration and recognize the important work of the RTP, Bell Helicopter presented a Bell 429 model to the RTP, which was accepted on its behalf by Chairman of the event and Chief of Police, Police General Chakthip Chaijinda.

“Bell Helicopter was honored to be invited to this important event and proud to continue our relationship with the RTP,” said Sameer Rehman. “Bell Helicopter has supported the RTP for more than 40 years beginning with the delivery of a Bell 212, which is still flying and serving the region today.”

During the event, Bell Helicopter’s authorized Independent Representative in Thailand, Royal Sky Co., Ltd., had a booth that showcased Bell Helicopter’s latest products and services. Aerolite also participated in this event together with Bell Helicopter to showcase their product and its integration into Bell helicopters.

“Bell Helicopter has a strong presence in Thailand, and helicopters remain an essential aspect of military capabilities in the region, given the extensive territories, and we are proud to recognize our customers for their contributions to the region and continue our support of their operations,” added Rehman.

Headed by a Commissioner General, the RTP is under the direct command of the Prime Minister of Thailand. They are responsible for national development and the security and safety of Thailand and its sovereignty. Made up of about 230,000 officers, the RTP is divided into six broad groups: Special Operations, Crime Prevention and Suppression, Crime Prevention and Suppression Support, Education, Services and Command and General Staff.

  See also

TH Royal Thai Police
US Bell Helicopter
Bell 429




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