FPSO class - FPSO - Floating Production Storage and Offloading IMO: 8124046 MMSI: 234497000 FLAG: Flight Deck: Call Sign: MWVQ7 Shipyard: Odense Staalskibsvaerft Events ---Filter---DecommissionedFate: scrappedRefitDeployment History of Maersk Curlew 1996RefitRefit converted from Maersk Dorset for operation as FPSO Maersk Curlew. 1997DeploymentDeployment Curlew FPSO tethered in c 100m of water over Block 29/7 in the Curlew Field of the Central North Sea. 2019DecommissionedDecommissioned 2020Fate: scrappedFate: scrapped Aliaga Scrapped destined for scrapping at Aliaga Add new event for this unitYear:Month: <- (1/12) Optional Day: <- (1/31) Optional Text: Add Event