2007 to present    

L3009 RFA Cardigan Bay

UK Royal Fleet Auxiliary

IMO: 9240782
MMSI: 232779000
Flight Deck: CB
Call Sign: GCID
Shipyard: Kvaerner (Govan)


History of UK RFA Cardigan Bay L3009

2001-nov-19OrderedOrdered ordered in batch of two with RFA Mounts Bay.
2005-apr-09LaunchedLaunched Kvaener had become part of BAE Systems, Yard No. 324
2006-nov-17HomeportHomeport arrived at A and P Falmouth
2007-mar-06CommissionedCommissioned Portland Harbour at Portland
2008-janDeploymentDeployment Operation Telic Towards end of month RFA Cardigan Bay deployed to the Arabian Gulf for a 3 year mission to assist in the training of the Iraqi Navy, returning to Portsmouth on 7 Jan 2011.
2011-aprDeploymentDeployment departed UK for Mediterranean as part of Response Force Task Group in support of possible operations against Libya.
2011-aug-26Port VisitPort Visit A and P Falmouth arrived in Falmouth after de-storing in Plymouth, in preparation for refit.
2011-sep-10RefitRefit A and P Falmouth Refit commenced 5 month refit at A and P Falmouth, completed 25 Feb 2012
2012-mayDeploymentDeployment departed UK for Middle East and Indian Ocean extended deployment. Returned to UK Jul 2016.
2013-sepAircraftAircraft 815 NAS Lynx HMA.8 re-assigned from HMS Dragon while on station in the Gulf, supporting UK mine hunters. Embarked team of 831 Flight to test the ScanEagle
2014-marAircraftAircraft assigned 815 NAS Lynx HMA.8 XZ725/337 as Ships Flt by Mar 2014, still Jun 2015
2014-julDeploymentDeployment interoperated with US Army AH-64 of 3-159Bn 42nd CAB during Exercise Spartan Kopis off Bahrain.
2014-nov-07DeploymentDeployment IMCMEX 2014 International Mine Counter Measures Exercise 2014 participated in major multi-national Gulf exercise, together with a number of UK warships and MCM vessels.
2016-jun-06Port VisitPort Visit GR Piraeus SNMG2 visit to Piraeus while with SNMG2 on migrant patrol
2016-jul-14RefitRefit A and P Falmouth Refit commenced 5 month refit at A and P Falmouth
2017-jan-31DeploymentDeployment BH Mina Salman Port CTF 50 Exercise Unified Trident participated with CTF50 for multi-national Ex Unified Trident in Persian Gulf until 2 Feb.
2018-mar-11Port VisitPort Visit QA Hamad Port DIMDEX 2018 visited Hamad Port, Qatar
2018-octDeploymentDeployment BH Mina Salman Port Exercise Saif Sareea 3 Participated in Joint UK-Omani Ex SS3 as Minehunter Squadron support ship. To be relieved in Middle East by RFA Lyme Bay on completion.
2018-oct-28NEWS Royal Navy Exercise Saif Sareea 3 off Oman
2021-mayDeploymentDeployment BH Mina Salman Port relieved by RFA Lyme Bay for Operation Kipion, as Afloat Forward Support Base, after a 4 year deployment.
2022-junDeploymentDeployment BH Mina Salman Port departed UK to relieve RFA Lyme Bay as forward deployed vessel in Bahrain, supporting mine counter measures operations in the Gulf. Relieved by RFA Mounts Bay and returned to UK in Sep 2024.
2024-apr-29DeploymentDeployment off Gaza after departing Cyprus, now off Gaza to provide accommodation for US service personnel developing the JLOTS pier for receiving aid to Palestine as part of the multinational maritime corridor initiative. Returned to Cyprus 1 May.

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Bay class
177length (m)
26beam (m)
5.10draught (m)
18max speed (knots)

4Naval Gun Mark 44 6 barrelled 7.62mm mingun
2Naval Gun Oerlikon 30mm cannon
2Close-In Weapon System CIWS Phalanx 20 mm

helicopter   Aircraft

Typical Max
UK Royal Air Force B 414 - H-47D Chinook 02
UK Royal Navy Westland Lynx 10


UK Kvaerner (Govan), Govan

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