July 3, 2007 :
Eurocopter EC145 is first commercial Helicopter to be certified for civil Night-Vision Goggle Operations
( Eurocopter Press Release ) -
Following a joint effort between Eurocopter and the airworthiness authorities EASA (Europe), FAA (USA) and TCCA (Canada), the EASA accorded Eurocopter, on May 31, 2007, the first certification providing the EC145 with an Night-Vision Goggle (NVG) aided operation capability. Eurocopter is the first Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) to offer this capability to civil operators.
The certification program has been performed on an EC145 configuration based on the French Sécurité Civile configuration. This configuration is using, among others, the MEGHAS display systems and CMA3000 flight management system.
The configuration certified consists basically of the installation of a Night Vision Imaging System (NVIS) including internal and external aircraft lighting and the operation presently with the following Night Vision Goggles: ITT F 4949 and / or NOGALIGHT NL-93 as well as of application of the rules defined in the dedicated Flight Manual Supplement (FMS 9.2-48).
This is a major step enabling civil operators to access NVG operations, thus increasing their mission capabilities and safety during night operations.
Besides the unchallengeable advantage represented by an amended type certificate permitting certification of a complete fleet, this certification offers the implementation of a fully integrated and comfortable solution, developed by the manufacturer itself.
This capability extension may be offered for helicopters already in service, even if its implementation is primarily intended for new helicopters.
Two technical requirements have to be fulfilled to extend a configuration to NVG aided operation capability:
Application of the NVIS rules to all the light sources in the helicopter, which implies adaptation or replacement of all devices not compliant with NVIS. The effort linked to this action depends on the content of each respective helicopter configuration.
Adaptation of the lighting setting system.
The next step for Eurocopter is to extend this NVG aided operation capability also to the EC135 platform and, on customer request, to develop and certify other configurations, supporting, if required, also further night vision goggle systems.
Established in 1992, the Franco-German-Spanish Eurocopter Group is a Division of EADS, a world leader in aerospace, defence and related services. The Eurocopter Group employs approx. 14,000 people. In 2006, Eurocopter confirmed its position as the world’s No. 1 helicopter manufacturer with a turnover of 3.8 billion euros, orders for 615 new helicopters, and a 52% percent market share in the civil and parapublic sectors. Overall, the Group’s products account for 30% percent of the total world helicopter fleet. Its strong worldwide presence is ensured by its 17 subsidiaries on five continents, along with a dense network of distributors, certified agents and maintenance centres. More than 9,800 Eurocopter helicopters are currently in service with over 2,500 customers in 140 countries. Eurocopter offers the largest civil and military helicopter range in the world.
100 years of vertical flight
In 1907, Paul Cornu performed history’s first ever vertical flight. Since then, thanks to pioneering spirits, technological advances and innovative minds, the helicopter has become a key to saving lives, protecting citizens and contributing to economic development the world over. In 2007, Eurocopter is proud to celebrate this anniversary and to share its passion for helicopters.
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