Founded by Stanley Hiller during a time when the future of
helicopter technology, in contrast to that of fixed-wings aircraft,
was still uncertain.
A time when the civilian helicopter market had scarcely
emerged and military procurement programs where never guaranteed,
forcing to ride a financial roller coaster.
During remarkable 25 years, Hiller's designs introduced new significant
July 4, 1944 : XH-44 Hiller-Copter
With an unlike any other helicopter of the epoch, nineteen years old Stanley Hiller Jr enters in helicopter history
The XH-44 used a coaxial configuration and was the first world's successful all-metal rigid-rotor blades helicopter
The designation denoted Experimental Hiller and the year that was designed
Between 1946 and 1951, Hiller joined Henry Kaiser and
United Helicopters (UH)
March, 1946 : J-5
A single-rotor model without a tail-rotor.
It was soon abandoned due insufficient engine power
July, 1946 : J-10 / UH-4 Commuter
Return to the coaxial rotor system, 8 prototypes where used in
experimental roles
1947 : UH-5
November 1947 : Hiller 360X
Prototype of the successful Model 360
October 14, 1948 :
CAA ( predecessor of today's FAA ) issued production
certificate 6-H-1 to the Hiller 360
January, 1949 :
The 360 is the first civilian helicopter to cross the United States
May 8, 1950 : UH-12A
The first 360 model for the US Army and Navy.
By 1965, when production of all Model 360 derivates was finished, more than 2000 units were built
The Navy designations were HTE-1 and HTE-2
September, 1950 : Hiller YH-23
The improved civilian version of the UH-12A, was also acquired by the militaries as OH-23 Raven
September, 1953 :
Hiller acquired production rights to the Doman LZ-5 (YH-31)
An improved version (the LZ-5-2) was built and tested by the US Army
but lost against the Bell XH-40 (later to be known UH-1 'Huey' )
September, 1953 : HJ-1 Hornet
A two-seat ultra light Tip-Powered helicopter. Was only powered by small ramjets at the tips of the two-bladed rotor.
14 Units were built for evaluation for the US Navy as HOE-1 and for the US Army as YH-32 Hornet
These units were the only tip-powered helicopters ever produced in USA
1954 : H-23B
The US Army 's version of the civilian UH-12B
October 28, 1954 :
The Hiller 8RJ2B ramjet is the first american-designed
jet engine of any kind to be approved for production by the CAA
February 27, 1955 : Hiller Flying Platform
Designed upon Charles Zimmerman concepts, 7 units built
1955 : YH-32A ULV
An ultralight helicopter incorporated H-32 Hornet 's
ramjet rotor and systems
Was designed to be transported and operated by the
infantry. 3 units built

With an unlike any other helicopter of the epoch, nineteen years old Stanley Hiller Jr enters in helicopter history
The XH-44 used a coaxial configuration and was the first world's successful all-metal rigid-rotor blades helicopter
The designation denoted Experimental Hiller and the year that was designed

Prototype of the successful Model 360

The first 360 model for the US Army and Navy.
By 1965, when production of all Model 360 derivates was finished, more than 2000 units were built
The Navy designations were HTE-1 and HTE-2

The improved civilian version of the UH-12A, was also acquired by the militaries as OH-23 Raven

A two-seat ultra light Tip-Powered helicopter. Was only powered by small ramjets at the tips of the two-bladed rotor.
14 Units were built for evaluation for the US Navy as HOE-1 and for the US Army as YH-32 Hornet
These units were the only tip-powered helicopters ever produced in USA