Otterburn, Redesdale Camp

Northumberland , England

united kingdom United Kingdom

Satellite and aerial maps of Redesdale with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
Otterburn , England 7.6112EGO60
Linton Hill , Scotland 29.1352
RAF Spadeadam , England 34.2214EGOM
Eshott airfield , England 35.5090EG18
Ouston , England 38.8138EGQO
Acklington , England 40.9087


?? to 2005

55° 17' 8'' N     2° 16' 44'' W
Rochester, Northumberland, England
ICAO: IATA: Local: EGO65
Elevation: 672 feet

Army training camp, serving the extensive upland ranges nearby.

The camp was closed c 2005 and by 2009, most of the buildings had been demolished and removed, leaving paths and tracks.

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