Clube CEU helipad

Rio de Janeiro , Rio de Janeiro

brazil Brazil

Satellite and aerial maps of Clube CEU helipad with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
Riocentro Heliport , Rio de Janeiro 1.6280SIHL
Ten. Brig. Ar Waldir de Vasconcelos airport , Rio de Janeiro 1.7094SIWV
Jacarepagua Roberto Marinho , Rio de Janeiro 2.3102SBJR
Hospital Samaritano , Rio de Janeiro 2.4119SNEH
Heliponto Projac , Rio de Janeiro 2.8333SJZK
AGO helipad , Rio de Janeiro 3.4069SJGO

  Clube CEU helipad

?? to 2013

22° 58' 56.25'' S     43° 23' 37.75'' W
Jacarepaguá, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Elevation: 3 feet

The marker indicates the position of the old helipad, near the centre of the General Aviation airfield on Cabo da Pombeba, c 12.5nm SW of central Rio de Janeiro. The site was redeveloped and built over in 2013 for an Olympic Stadium, and the helipad disappeared beneath part of the skateboard park.

The Flight Club was relocated to a new airport, near Santa Cruz.

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