Offer Wadham Lighthouse helipad

Offer Wadham Island , Newfoundland and Labrador

canada Canada

Satellite and aerial maps of Offer Wadham with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
Burnt Point , Newfoundland and Labrador 28.5272
Fogo Airport , Newfoundland and Labrador 34.9281CDY3
CFB Gander , Newfoundland and Labrador 93.4219CYQX
College of the North Atlantic , Newfoundland and Labrador 94.7222
Green Is (Catalina) , Newfoundland and Labrador 132.0156
Exploits Valley Botwood Airport , Newfoundland and Labrador 135.9244CCP2

  Offer Wadham

1858 to present

49° 35' 36'' N     53° 45' 47'' W
Offer Wadham Island, Newfoundland and Labrador

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