NEWS | Curti Aerospace Zefhir

Zefhir Helicopter in South East Asia

Italian Curti Aerospace Zefhir, the first turbine helicopter fitted with parachute rescue system, extended distribution agreement with Swedish Savback to include the South East Asia region

Zefhir Helicopter in South East Asia
Curti Aerospace, October 13, 2020 - Distributor Savback Helicopters and helicopter manufacturer CURTI Industries have extended their cooperation, making Savback Helicopters the sole exclusive distributor for the ‘Zefhir’ helicopter in South East Asia.

Savback has since the fall of 2019 been the distributor of the ‘Zefhir’ in Northern Europe and the CIS, and through this extension of the companies’ partnership, the distribution area now also includes Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, The Philippines, Myanmar, Laos, Brunei and Cambodia.

”Savback Helicopters are truly delighted to be able to announce this new chapter of our cooperation, as part of our company’s expansion. We are proud and privileged to be working with a manufacturer as innovative as CURTI, and are excited to introduce this exceptional helicopter to the South East Asian market.” - Reja Savbäck, CEO of Savback Helicopters AB

“We are very happy that our partner Savback, after exploring different markets around the world, did find opportunities in South East Asia. We are as well sure that, together and with our innovative helicopter, we’ll get important commercial satisfactions.” - Nabore Benini, Vice President of CURTI Industries.

Savback Helicopters specializes in selling helicopters and has been active in the industry for more than thirty years. The company currently supplies helicopters all over the world. Since it was founded in 1999, the company has sold close to 900 helicopters — new and pre-owned.


For sure it might be life saving for the people onboard, but the aircraft could be seriously damaged. As it is seen in the video, the vehicle came to rest on its side. I think a parachute landing is always difficult to control.
        True, on the other hand, people flying these kind of helicopters are mostly inexperienced pilots with low flight time per year. In that case, in the hopefully very remote case of an engine failure, you might have a higher chance of survival compared to a norma autorotation which requires training, currency and experience to perform in a good manner. Personally I would say if the engine fails on a single, if everybody walks away without injuries it is a good landing even if the aircraft is totally destroyed.

  See also

Curti Aerospace Zefhir
SE Savback Helicopters

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