15-sep-73    to    16-sep-73

Operação Auréola

15-sep-73    to    16-sep-73

mozambique Monte Calambagupa Tete

Although previously destroyed by cross-border Rhodesian Operation Sable in Sep 1972, FRELIMO insurgents had reactivated supply base Damião in Tete Province and were also facilitating the movement of fighters and supplies by ZANU infiltrating into NE Rhodesia.

Following a reconnaisance mission by an Alouette III on 8 Sep, the Portuguese launched Operation Glory. Immediately after bomb runs by Fiat G-91, 3x Alouette III landed 30 troops, supported by two Alouette III gunships. Many items of arms and ammunition were captured and the base was destroyed.


Dates UnitModels
    15sep73 to 16sep73 PT Esq 503 Força Aérea Portuguesa

Not all models shown may have taken part in the Operation
Some of the units could be operating fixed wing aircraft at the time, check every unit for details



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