Brunel Technical College

Bristol , Bristol , England

united kingdom United Kingdom

Satellite and aerial maps of Brunel Technical College with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
Southmead Hospital , England 1.8335EGB30
Bristol Royal Infirmary , England 2.4204
Abbey Wood , England 3.5030GBFZO
Princes Wharf , England 3.6198
Charles Hill and Sons Ltd , England 3.9210GBBRS
Filton , England 4.2358EGTG

  Brunel Technical College

51° 28' 43.75'' N     2° 34' 53.25'' W
Ashley Down, Bristol, Bristol, England
Elevation: 220 feet

In addition to the material held on site, BTC also maintained a number of larger, non-flying airframes at Bristol Lulsgate during the 1970/80s, principally for radio work.

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List of aircraft and events at Brunel Technical College

1978-feb-05 G I AirframeRN HAS7 XK944

Helicopters for sale
Future helicopters
Flying a helicopter
Helicopter stories
TV and movies

Helicopter books
Helicopter patches
Helicopter model kits
