Imphal Barracks

York , North Yorkshire , England

united kingdom United Kingdom

Satellite and aerial maps of Imphal Barracks with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
Foss Barrier , England 1.1328
York Hospital , England 2.8336EGK12
Elvington , England 5.9112EGYK
Rufforth East , England 6.9277GB0248
Deighton , England 7.0172
Strenshall Camp , England 8.8016

  Imphal Barracks

1877 to present

53° 56' 39'' N     1° 4' 11'' W
Fulford Road, York, North Yorkshire, England
Elevation: 40 feet

Northeastern Garrison. During the first Cold War, this was also the planned site of a Regional Seat of Government (RSG2), following a nuclear strike on the UK.

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