Johanniter-Krankenhaus Genthin-Stendal

Stendal , Saxony-Anhalt

germany Germany

Satellite and aerial maps of Krankenhaus Stendal (G) with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
Krankenhaus Stendal (R) , Saxony-Anhalt 0.2313
Stendal , Saxony-Anhalt 3.2311EDOV
Gardelegen , Saxony-Anhalt 24.6230
Mahlwinkel , Saxony-Anhalt 24.9184
Aertzehaus Genthin , Saxony-Anhalt 30.9137
Klinik Rathenow , Brandenburg 33.3090

  Krankenhaus Stendal (G)

52° 36' 37'' N     11° 51' 22.5'' E
Ground level helipad, Stendal, Saxony-Anhalt
Elevation: 120 feet

Ground level helipad, largely replaced by helipad on the hospital roof, c 220m to the NW, from c 2005.

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