Term | Definition for Helis.com |
Country | Political entity, within whose borders the Organisation�s HQ or Head Office or private owner resides.
(Note: the helis.com database is not an authority on political boundaries, nor does it recognise or endorse territorial disputes) |
c/n Construction Number | Unique identity assigned by the Manufacturer to assist in the allocation of parts and assemblies while the airframe is being built and to act as a focus for quality and flight safety records during and after manufacture. This identity should never change Prior to enter a new one, please review how others c/n of the same model looks like. Examples: 2209, wa 747, 70-1825 Note that some manufacturers uses a prefix, please not mistake with US BuNos. |
ID Aircraft Registration | Serial, registration or matriculation of an individual airframe while serving within an Organisation (ie after sale by the Manufacturer or its agents to an Organisation or Private Owner, or after release by the Manufacturer into one of its development or production testing programmes). Frequently, these may be assigned by a competent authority within the National Government of a Country. This identity may change between Organisations Examples: 80+14, XZ410, AE204, etc |
Manufacturer | Maker, constructor, fabricator or assembler of individual representatives of a Model. Usually but not always, also the designer of the Model. Some Manufacturers produce the Model under licence or as part of a franchise |
Model | A series of individual helicopters, recognised by sharing of a consistent set of design characteristics, often but
not always produced by the same Manufacturer. Significant variations within a series are usually formalised by
the Manufacturer defining a set of characteristics as a version of the Model
Examples: Puma, Chinook, Mi-8, etc |
Organisation | A collection of persons operating helicopters for a common purpose. This might be as part of a military armed service, a government or other department of state or a commercial company operating a fleet. If less than 3 helicopters are owned or operated by a non-government or non-military agency, see Private Owner We clasified the organisations for better listing purposes: military: armed forces. security: police, coast guard, gendarmerie, border guard and other para military forces. government: ministeries and agencies directly linked to them. airlines: international and domestic passenger and cargo carriers industry: manufacturers, maintenance org, re-sellers etc civilian: private and public org, not included above. |
Private Owner | Ownership of a single helicopter does not qualify the non-government or non-military owner/operator to count as an Organisation, in helis.com terms � use Private Owner |
Unit | A sub-division of an Organisation, with a recognisable identity within that Organisation, frequently with the delegated
authority to task the individual helicopters it operates, on behalf of the Organisation
Examples: heeresfliegerregiment 16 (army aviation regiment 16), south west operating group, etc |