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Nassau Police Bell 429 at APSCON 2018

Nassau County Police Department Bell 429 on display on Bell’ booth at the Advancing Public Safety Conference APSCON 2018, July 9-14 in Louisville, Kentucky

Nassau Police Bell 429 at APSCON 2018
Bell, July 09, 2018 - This year, Bell will be attending the Advancing Public Safety Conference (APSCON) July 9-14, 2018, in Louisville, Kentucky.

At booth #108, Bell will display the Bell 429 and feature one of our loyal customers, Nassau County Police Department. Come stop by and meet with our regional sales managers and our customer support and service representatives.

Nassau County’s Aviation Unit, based in Long Island, New York, is renowned for its law enforcement, providing safety and high-quality care in its communities. With the help of Bell products, the department can effectively solve problems and protect lives. With more than 1,400 Law Enforcement and Helicopter Emergency Medical configured Bell aircraft currently in operation, each Bell aircraft is designed for industry leading performance and reliability.

The Bell 429 meets or exceeds today’s airworthiness requirements to enhance occupant safety, with the adaptability to remain at the forefront as mission requirements evolve. The aircraft’s use of metallic and composite parts in its construction creates the perfect balance between rigidity and flexibility, safety and durability. Its multi-mission ready layout accommodates seven passengers and the exceptional cabin volume, large cabin doors and optional rear clamshell doors easily accommodate special mission equipment.

The Airborne Public Safety Association (APSA) is a non-profit educational, individual membership organization, founded in 1968 to support and encourage the use of aircraft in public safety. The organization’s vision is to promote the safe and successful completion of each airborne public safety operation.

Bell is a proud sponsor of this event, please stop by our booth to learn more about our products.

Nassau Police Bell 429 at APSCON 2018

  See also

NCPD US Nassau County Police Department State of New York
429 in US State of New York




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