Newcastle International Airport

Newcastle-upon-Tyne , Tyne and Wear , England

united kingdom United Kingdom

Satellite and aerial maps of Newcastle with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
RVI Newcastle , England 7.8144EGG47
Cramlington Hospital , England 8.8062
Newcastle City Heliport , England 9.3154
HMS Calliope , England 9.5144
Spiller's Wharf , England 10.5138
RMR Tyne , England 10.6138EGG11


1935 to present

55° 2' 16.44'' N     1° 41' 23.28'' W
5.8m NW of Woolsington, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England
Elevation: 266 feet

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  List of units at Newcastle

Years Unit
2014-    GNAASSA365 Dauphin 2,
2012-    NPASMD900 Explorer, EC135, EC145, EC135,

  Newcastle News

Northumbria is 10th UK Guimbal Cabri School

Northumbria is 10th UK Guimbal Cabri School

06-Apr-16 - Northumbria Helicopters, based at Newcastle Airport, have become the tenth training school to offer the Guimbal G2 Cabri in the UK.

List of aircraft and events at Newcastle

By Date | By Serial | By Model

1994-jul GNAAS AS355F1 G-NAAS

1997-jan-25 7 Squadron /EF CH-47D ZA674
1997-jan-25 7 Squadron CH-47D ZA713
1997-jan-28 202 Squadron HAR.3 XZ592

2000-jun-01 MK86 232
2000-jul-01 HAR.3 XZ585 / A

2001-apr-26 AAC AH.1 XZ341
2001-may-24 AS332L2 LN-OHH
2001-jun-27 AH.1 ZA776
2001-jul-16 S61N.MK2 G-BGWK
2001-jul-30 HC.4 ZF119 / VW

2005-jun-27 RAF HAR.3 XZ597 / M

2006-may-03 SA330E XW235

2007-feb-03 HAR.3 XZ591
2007-mar-07 RN HAS.1 XV705 / 29
2007-mar-09 AS365N2 G-MLTY
2007-mar-14 Army Air 540655 Sq AH1 XZ211
2007-mar-14 Skua 47815 NAS /404-IR HAS.2 XZ690
2007-mar-21 SRG 131202 Squadron /Q HAR.3 ZA105
2007-mar-30 SRG 132202 Squadron /S HAR.3 ZE369
2007-apr-04 Navy 829RN HAS.1 XV705
2007-apr-13 18 Squadron CH-47D ZA682
2007-apr-18 Army Air 537655 Sq AH1 XZ179
2007-apr-26 Rescue 128202 Squadron HAR.3 XZ586
2007-sep-01 S-76A G-BURS
2007-sep-22 AW109E G-WOFM
2007-sep-22 SA365N1 G-DPHN
2007-oct-01 HC.4 ZE425 / WR

2008-jul-27 CH-47D ZA705 / AN

2009-apr-02 S61N.MK2 G-ATFM
2009-jul-25 HM.1 ZH824 / 01

2010-jul-03 202 Squadron /L HAR.3 XZ596
2010-jul-23 tdy for Sunderland sea front airshow303 Squadron AB412SP R-02
2010-jul-23 tdy for Sunderland sea front airshow848 NAS /WU HC.4 ZA292

2012-jan-13 SA365N2 G-LCPL
2012-mar-14 S-92A G-CGYW

2014-jan-19 Bristow S-92A G-CICJ

2015-nov-17 Skycam Hélicoptères AW109SP F-HMPB

2016-may-25 AW109S G-SKBL
2016-may-28 Cabri G2 G-CHAG
2016-aug-31 S-76C G-URSA
2016-sep-08 SAF EC135T1 F-GOPG

2017-nov-17 RNoAF AW101 612 0268

2020-aug-20 UK Police Forces EC135T2 G-POLB
2020-sep-07 VisitingAAC AS365N3 ZJ780

2021-may-25 AW109S M-OWLS

2023-jan-13 AH.1 G-KEMD
2023-feb-04 UK Air Ambulances AW169 G-NICU

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