Honourable Artillery Company Grounds

London , Greater London , England

united kingdom United Kingdom

Satellite and aerial maps of Armoury House with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
Trigg Lane , England 1.5204
Trinity Square Gardens , England 1.6149
Mt Pleasant SO , England 1.6277
Tower Bridge Upper , England 1.8162
Fusiliers Regimental Museum , England 1.8148
Weavers Fields , England 1.8080

  Armoury House

51° 31' 20'' N     0° 5' 20'' W
Finsbury, London, Greater London, England
Elevation: 55 feet

Cricket ground in the City of London, at The Honourable Artillery Company HQ.

Used during summer 1982, when a series of 6 Lynx AH.1 alighted for the press launch of the Silver Eagles display team, formed between Mar and Sep 1982 to mark the SIlver Jubilee of the formation of the Army Air Corps.

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