NPF Bassetts Pole

Sutton Coldfield , Warwickshire , England

united kingdom United Kingdom

Satellite and aerial maps of Bassetts Pole with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
St George's Barracks , England 2.7206
Whittington Barracks , England 7.7359
Baxterley , England 10.9102
Birmingham Childrens Hospital , England 14.2214
Birmingham Intl , England 15.2173EGBB
Willenhall , England 18.7271

  Bassetts Pole

52° 35' 24.5'' N     1° 46' 21.5'' W
1.3nm NW of Middleton, Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire, England
Elevation: 400 feet

This active Paintballing site is home to a Whirlwind HAR.10 as of Oct 2015.

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List of aircraft and events at Bassetts Pole

2006-sep Paintball HAR10 XP350

Helicopters for sale
Future helicopters
Flying a helicopter
Helicopter stories
TV and movies

Helicopter books
Helicopter patches
Helicopter model kits
