Birmingham Childrens Hospital

Birmingham , West Midlands , England

united kingdom United Kingdom

Satellite and aerial maps of Birmingham Childrens Hospital with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
QEHB , England 5.0225EGA84
Birmingham Intl , England 10.3109EGBB
St George's Barracks , England 11.5036
Bassetts Pole , England 14.2034
Willenhall , England 16.0318
Hagley Hall , England 16.9246

  Birmingham Childrens Hospital

52° 29' 4.75'' N     1° 53' 32.1'' W
Birmingham, West Midlands, England
Elevation: 400 feet

Potentially replaces the Calthorpe Park (EGA85) landing site, c 1.5nm to the SSW which required an Ambulance transfer through busy roads.

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