RAF Hawkinge

Folkestone , Kent , England

united kingdom United Kingdom

Satellite and aerial maps of Hawkinge with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
Shorncliffe , England 3.6193
Dover WD , England 11.9089GBDVR
Dover CG , England 13.6079
William Harvey Hospital , England 16.8282EGA39
Each End , England 21.5030
Lydd , England 22.7220EGMD


1915 to 1961

51° 6' 38.25'' N     1° 9' 3.5'' E
Hawkinge, Folkestone, Kent, England
Elevation: 535 feet

Opened in 1915 and used as a jumping off point to ferry aircraft to France for the Royal Flying Corps.

After serving with distinction during WWII, the RAF station closed on 8 Dec 1961. The Ministry of Defence sold the site on 9 Jul 1964. In Jun 1968, the aerodrome was restored for use in the film Battle of Britain.

The site has now largely been built over and an area to the N has been preserved by the Kent Battle of Britain Museum Trust. The location marker lies on the old H target for helicopter landings.

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