Kantonsspital Graubünden

Chur , Graubünden

switzerland Switzerland

Satellite and aerial maps of Kantonsspital Graubünden with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
Untervaz Heliport , Graubünden 5.6008LSXU
Spital Thusis , Graubünden 20.1203
Balzers Heliport , Balzers 23.2348LSXB
Stilli , Graubünden 24.2103LSMV
Spital Grabs , St. Gallen 35.3348
Tavanasa , Graubünden 35.9251LSXA

  Kantonsspital Graubünden

46° 51' 47'' N     9° 32' 24'' E
S of main hospital buildings, Chur, Graubünden
Elevation: 2100 feet

The original helipad complex (3 pads, built before 2003) to the north, have been replaced by a patient records block and a new dual helipad had been constructed to the S of the main buildings by 2016.

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