01-Nov-24 | Aerolite receives FAA STC for H135 air medical interior H135 |
01-Aug-24 | Loft Dynamics Becomes World’s First VR Flight Simulation Training Device To Receive FAA Qualification #pilots |
22-Jul-24 | H145 D3 Flight Model Qualification for Swiss Air-Rescue Rega Helicopter Full-Flight Simulator #H145D3 |
26-Jun-24 | Leonardo appoints Aero Facility official AW09 helicopter distributor in Japan #AW09 |
12-Jun-24 | Loft Dynamics Qualifies World’s First VR Helicopter External Sling Load Simulation #slingLoad |
29-May-24 | EBACE 2024: Leonardo strengthens its role in the VIP-CORPORATE helicopter market with new AW09 single engine distributorship agreements and multiple-types orders #EBACE2024 |
29-Feb-24 | SAF Aerogroup Enhances Global Air Operations with Loft Dynamics’ VR Simulators #vr |
28-Feb-24 | HMotion soon in possession of Two H145 VR Flight Simulators from Loft Dynamics #H145 |
28-Feb-24 | Swiss Alps to be laser scanned by drones; Swiss-Austrian consortium partners for flight tests #drones |
26-Feb-24 | Leonardo highlights unique AW09 connectivity capabilities at Heli-Expo 2024 #connectivity |
15-Feb-24 | Loft Dynamics - EPNER Selects Loft Dynamics’ Virtual Reality Simulator to Train Highly Qualified Test Pilots #EPNER |
01-Feb-24 | Loft Dynamics Opens First Virtual Reality Flight Simulation Hub in North America #VirtualReality |
28-Nov-23 | Bell Announces Delivery of Third HEMS Bell 429 to Air Zermatt #SwissAlps |
08-Nov-23 | Training Switzerland’s military pilots since 2008 #EC135 |
23-Sep-23 | Swiss Helicopter is Swisstainable #Swisstainable |
14-Sep-23 | Dufour Aerospace announces selection of Plettenberg as partner for the tail thruster propulsion unit of Aero2 #supplier |
11-Sep-23 | Dufour Aerospace announces selection of Volz Servos as servo partner for Aero2 #servo |
06-Sep-23 | FAA Taps Loft Dynamics’ VR Flight Simulators to Advance Aviation Goals #simulator |
05-Sep-23 | Dufour Aerospace and 9T Labs collaborate on structural composite connectors for Aero2 #assemblies |
10-Aug-23 | Aero2 X2.2 masters full transition from vertical take-off to horizontal cruise; Update on X2.3 Prototype and Certification #drones |
02-Aug-23 | Leonardo AW09 to make public premiere at LABACE in Brazil #LABACE |
15-Jul-23 | Executing Proficiency Checks In Loft Dynamics’ Simulators Is Now Common Practice As Aviation Authorities Embrace VR Training Technology #pilots |
15-Jul-23 | Dufour Aerospace announces selection of Aerolite as partner for composite structural parts #parts |
05-Jul-23 | Dufour Aerospace announces selection of Connova AG as partner for the Composite Airframe of Aero2 #composites |
05-Jul-23 | First Loft Dynamics H125 Simulator in Italy on Sicily at Helixcom #simulator |
29-Jun-23 | Loft Dynamics VR Flight Simulator Acquired By Blackcomb Helicopters To Enhance Its Operations #H125 |
25-Jun-23 | Retirement in the sun? Time to say goodbye to Dufour’s X2.1 prototype #UrbanAirMobility |
20-Jun-23 | Europavia purchases six H125s #PAS2023 |
16-Jun-23 | Not our first rodeo: successful first flight of X2.2 drone prototype #Aero2 |
09-Jun-23 | Leonardo appoints Gualter Helicopters as AW09 Distributor for Brazil at Catarina 2023 #AW09 |
31-May-23 | UAM Industry First: Volocopter Integrates Swiss-AS AMOS Software into Its Operations Ecosystem #UrbanAirMobility |
25-May-23 | Air Corporate of Italy orders 43 Airbus helicopters at EBACE 2023 #EBACE2023 |
23-May-23 | EBACE 2023: Leonardo back to Europe’s executive air transport exhibition with its Agusta brand #EBACE2023 |
19-May-23 | Emergency Room in the Sky: A Look into the Bell 429 Light-Weight HEMS Interior Kits #AirAmbulance |
24-Mar-23 | Dufour Aerospace and Swiss Helicopter announce purchase of Aero2 and Aero3 aircraft #eVTOL |
20-Mar-23 | Leonardo AW09 PS4 prototype performs first flight #AW09 |
15-Feb-23 | Karen Helicopter Services takes delivery of two Bell 505s #Switzerland |
02-Feb-23 | Rega helped more patients than ever before #year2022 |
01-Feb-23 | Columbia Helicopters Sells Columbia Model 107-ii Vertol to Heliswiss International Ag for Fire and Disaster Response #firefighting |
27-Jan-23 | Leonardo and Safran partner for AW09 single-engine helicopter propulsion system #AW09 |
16-Jan-23 | Rusada expands North American presence with Canada office #Canada |
07-Jan-23 | Swiss Helicopter reduces CO2 emissions by a quarter #CO2 |
22-Dec-22 | Air Greenland and Loft Dynamics Partner to Bring VR Flight Training to Greenland for the First Time #virtualreality |
07-Dec-22 | Loft Dynamics, Formerly VRM Switzerland, Raises $20M to Transform Virtual Reality Pilot Training #rebranding |
06-Dec-22 | 21 new rescue helicopters for Rega #SwissAlps |
11-Nov-22 | Swiss Helicopter signs HCare Classics avionics upgrade for their H120 helicopters #EC120 |
11-Nov-22 | Blueberry Aviation is proud to announce its EVTOL partner Dufour Aerospace reached an agreement with Spright, Air Methods’ state of the art critical medical drone program. #eVTOL |
10-Nov-22 | Bell Announces Purchase Agreement for Third HEMS Bell 429 to Air Zermatt #Bell429 |
08-Nov-22 | FinnHEMS selects ENVISION #Finland |
22-Oct-22 | The MAXIMUM PILOT VIEW KIT for an unrestricted pilot view in Airbus H125/AS350 helicopters #MPVK |
12-Oct-22 | Dufour Aerospace and RUAG to begin cooperation on unmanned aerial vehicles #Aero2 |
03-Oct-22 | Purchase agreement for all-weather rescue helicopters terminated #AW169 |
29-Sep-22 | First Airbus H125 Training Device established in Germany by Meravo Helicopters and VRM Switzerland #simulator |
26-Jul-22 | Airbus Helicopters and VRM Switzerland to develop the world’s first H145 Virtual Reality simulator #simulator |
11-Jul-22 | Rega invests in air rescue in Geneva #Geneva |
26-May-22 | Helitrans to operate VRM Switzerland’s first qualified H125 Virtual Reality Flight Training Device EASA Level 3 |
24-May-22 | Leonardo’s VIP/corporate helicopter fleet set to grow in Europe with new orders announced at EBACE 2022 #EBACE2022 |
24-May-22 | Airbus commits to extending ACH130 Aston Martin Edition production following rapid market success #AstonMartin |
11-May-22 | Mountainflyers is the first helicopter flight school offering training on an EASA qualified VR simulator #pilot |
06-May-22 | Last Cougar helicopter transferred from the modernization program to Swiss Air Force #cougar |
27-Apr-22 | Swiss Aviation Company Purchases Two Bell 505s #bell505 |
20-Apr-22 | Mountainflyers and Bell: Looking Back on 2,000 Successful Flight Hours with the 505 #2000 |
26-Mar-22 | Learning to Fly... Again #pilot |
20-Mar-22 | 11th CAB carries the weight during coalition training #Kuwait |
11-Mar-22 | Swiss Air-Rescue Service Rega orders nine five-bladed H145s #H145D3 |
07-Mar-22 | VRM Switzerland delivers an Airbus H125 VR Training Device to the first US operator #simulator |
04-Mar-22 | RUAG expands maintenance capacity |
22-Feb-22 | Missions in 2021: record year – Rega in greater demand than ever before #year2021 |
16-Feb-22 | Falcon Aviation Services goes live on ENVISION #software |
18-Dec-21 | RUAG and Collins Aerospace sign agreement for maintenance of rescue hoists #winching |
18-Nov-21 | VRM Switzerland presents new training solution #EuropeanRotors |
21-Oct-21 | UMS Skeldar’s V-200 Completes Successful Flight Trials in Finland #drones |
06-Oct-21 | Kopter & Leonardo Helicopters participated in SAM 2021 #AW09 |
11-Sep-21 | Dufour Aerospace and Swiss Air-Rescue Rega announce development cooperation for innovative Aero3 eVTOL aircraft #Aero3 |
10-Sep-21 | Rusada and EXSYN sign technology partnership on Avilytics #Avilytics |
18-Jul-21 | Heli Austria Flight Academy is going to operate two Virtual Reality Helicopter Flight Simulators #simulator |
01-Jul-21 | Colorado Highland Helicopters is the first US customer #VirtualReality |
30-Jun-21 | Integration of Eliticino-Tarmac SA into the Swiss Helicopter AG |
19-Jun-21 | Rusada embarks on major recruitment drive #hiring |
10-May-21 | Rusada launches new Maintenance App for ENVISION #software |
29-Apr-21 | The AW09 joins the Leonardo Helicopters product range #AW09 |
22-Apr-21 | Leonardo welcomes Kopter’s SH09 into its helicopter portfolio as the AW09 #AW09 |
28-Mar-21 | SKELDAR V-200 selected in EU “Detect and Avoid” capability program for large remotely piloted aircraft systems #drones |
04-Feb-21 | SH09 flies after major retrofit #garmin |
12-Jan-21 | Bucher Leichtbau’s Emergency Medical System – H135 AC67 Flex Receives EASA Approval #EASA |
05-Jan-21 | Horix Aerospace dismantles two Leonardo AW109s for parts #SpareParts |
10-Dec-20 | Swiss Air-Rescue Rega #history |
16-Nov-20 | Bell 407 GXis Offer Luxury and Efficiency in Switzerland #Bell407GXi |
02-Nov-20 | RUAG Australia secures new US Navy contract on component MRO for MH-60R Seahawk. #AUSMIN |
23-Oct-20 | SH09 third prototype achieved several “firsts” #Mollis |
06-Oct-20 | UMS SKELDAR performs first automatic flight of V-150 VTOL platform #drones |
17-Sep-20 | SH09 back “home” after successfully completing flight testing in Pozzallo #SH09 |
01-Sep-20 | OAS Helicopters Signs Up For Envision #Software |
31-Aug-20 | Test week with a Leonardo AW169 of HeliService at Rega in Switzerland #REGA |
02-Aug-20 | Swiss Army Chooses Lockheed Martin’s Indago 3 UAS for Tactical Reconnaissance and Surveillance |
23-Jun-20 | Kopter SH09 helicopter test flights go ahead in Sicily #SH09 |
25-May-20 | New HEMS equipment for H135 and H145 of DRF Luftrettung #stretcher |
09-Apr-20 | Kopter officially joins Leonardo Helicopters ! #LeonardoKopter |
18-Mar-20 | EBAA, NBAA Cancel European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition #EBACE2020 |
15-Mar-20 | Valaisian Companies Air-glaciers Sa And Air Zermatt Ag Share Their Destinies #merging |
03-Mar-20 | AeroBrigham to debut external load technology #Bubble |
02-Mar-20 | Abu Dhabi’s UMEX chosen for global unveiling of UMS Skeldar’s new Rotary Unmanned Aerial Vehicle #drones |
23-Feb-20 | Kopter participated in the Singapore Airshow to increase visibility in Asia #Singapore2020 |
22-Feb-20 | Kopter receives Production Organization Approval from FOCA #FOCA |
16-Feb-20 | Leidos and Rusada Team Up to Deliver Aviation Software #LEIDOS |
31-Jan-20 | AW189 Completed GBAS Approaches #GBAS |
31-Jan-20 | Kopter and INAEC launch SH09 in the Philippines for helicopter ride-sharing service, Ascent #Ascent |
30-Jan-20 | Rainier Heli-International adds five SH09 options to their existing MOA with Kopter North America #SH09 |
28-Jan-20 | Leonardo to acquire Kopter with the aim of extending its helicopter market leadership #Kopter |
26-Jan-20 | Kopter’s SH09 flies with a new main rotor configuration #blades |
20-Dec-19 | Thommen Delivers First Multi Function Displays for the AW129 #Displays |
11-Dec-19 | Kopter presenting the final design features of its SH09 helicopter at HAI Heli-Expo 2020 #HeliExpo2020 |
30-Oct-19 | Kaman Receives Order For K-MAX Helicopter #KMAX |
19-Oct-19 | Kopter Group and Korea Aerospace Industries enter into cooperation #ADEX2019 |
08-Oct-19 | UMS SKELDAR demonstrates for the first time full scale model of SKELDAR V 200 with ViDAR pod #pacific2019 |
07-Oct-19 | Kopter’s SH09 Flight Test Program moves forward #MainGearBox |
12-Sep-19 | UMS Skeldar develops innovative training initiatives as part of expansion strategy |
09-Sep-19 | Kaman Announces New K-MAX Order From Rotex Helicopter AG #HeavyLift |
07-Sep-19 | Helicopter MRO provider UTair Engineering selects AMOS #software |
14-Aug-19 | Kopter Group enters the Brazilian market #LABACE2019 |
01-Aug-19 | Paradise Helicopters visits Kopter’s SH09 flight test base in Pozzallo #Pozzallo |
24-Jul-19 | UMS SKELDAR partners with leading Swedish Aviation Technical Training School as part of initiative to increase standards across the industry |
23-Jul-19 | Metro Aviation signs an agreement with Kopter for five SH09 #SH09 |
18-Jun-19 | SKELDAR R-350 flight crews pass certification in Switzerland with leading UAV training organisation RUSTA #drones |
14-Jun-19 | Kopter’s SH09 third prototype (P3) flies higher and faster in Sicily #Sicily |
22-May-19 | Bell 505 Continues Global Expansion #EBACE2019 |
22-May-19 | Airbus delivers ACH145 helicopter for use on super yachts #EBACE2019 |
21-May-19 | Rusada joins the European Helicopter Association #EHA |
09-May-19 | Universal Avionics Presents Advanced Flight Deck Solution at EBACE 2019 #EBACE19 |
08-May-19 | EASA approves FLARM for helicopters #Collision |
07-May-19 | QinetiQ Wins C$51m Contract with the Canadian Armed Forces’ Unmanned Aircraft System Service program #drones |
07-May-19 | HeliStream signs up for ENVISION #envision |
15-Apr-19 | SH09 Prototype #3 (P3) flies in Sicily #SH09 |
14-Apr-19 | Sulphur-Sniffing Drone to Patrol Danish Waters #environment |
07-Apr-19 | GVH Aerospace Helps Swiss Rotor Solutions Achieve Airbus Factory and Retrofit Option For Maximum Pilot View Kit #BubbleWindow |
19-Mar-19 | Thommen Opens Sales Representation In North America #Thommen |
11-Mar-19 | Kopter Group officially took over Lafayette facility #MadeInUSA |
07-Mar-19 | Eurotec delivers Bell 407GXP helicopter for European client #VIP |
06-Mar-19 | Kopter Group and Louisiana State announce new helicopter facility #manufacturing |
06-Mar-19 | Rega becomes launch customer for new H145 retrofit #REGA |
06-Mar-19 | ACH160 helicopter sale maintains strong ACH momentum into 2019 #VVIP |
05-Mar-19 | Esterline CMC Electronics Selected for Modernization of Swiss Cougar Helicopters #Cougar |
05-Mar-19 | StandardAero Celebrates Successful First Year for Lifesaving AS350/EC130 Crash-Resistant Fuel Tank with Expansion into European Market #CrashResistant |
03-Mar-19 | Folding Safety Seats for all Classes of Modern Helicopter Cabins Offer Utmost Flexibility #Seats |
26-Feb-19 | Kopter’s SH09 third prototype (P3) successfully completed initial flight tests in Switzerland #prototype |
24-Feb-19 | Multi-Million Euro Contract Wins Boost Jobs and Heralds Further Global Expansion of UMS Skeldar #drones |
19-Feb-19 | Heli-Expo 2019: Kopter Group will exhibit its SH09 helicopter in a passenger transport configuration and unveil an innovative flight training solution #HeliExpo2019 |
12-Feb-19 | Kopter expands its presence at Mollis airfield |
14-Jan-19 | RUAG modernizes eight Swiss Air Force transport helicopters #Cougar |
17-Dec-18 | Leonardo partners with ILandMiami for convenient Art Basel event transportation #MUV |
22-Nov-18 | SH09 latest prototype begins flight trials #SH09 |
20-Nov-18 | Aerolite receives STC for AW169 air medical interior #AW169 |
18-Nov-18 | DAC International Adds the Thommen AVLight X Multipurpose Aviation Flashlight to its Portfolio #Flashlight |
13-Nov-18 | QinetiQ and Canadian UAVs sign MoU for commercial and military UAV services #CanadianUAVs |
22-Oct-18 | Kopter announces new distributor for the Nordic countries together with new order #Kopter |
22-Oct-18 | AMTC 2018: Kopter’s SH09 perfectly suited for Helicopter Emergency Medical Services #AMTC2018 |
19-Oct-18 | MRO software providers MRX Systems, Rusada, Ramco and Traxxall team up with Airbus Helicopters to exchange maintenance data digitally #databases |
11-Oct-18 | Kopter SH09 displayed in new customer livery at Helitech 2018 #Helitech18 |
28-Aug-18 | The Future of Taxi Drones at the FAI International Drone Conference And Expo #TaxiDrone |
16-Aug-18 | Panalpina Heliship celebrates 25 years of service and announces a new head #logistics |
16-Aug-18 | German Navy Selects Skeldar V-200 To Provide Uav Reconnaissance Capability #drones |
03-Aug-18 | EuroTec installs first North American Maximum Pilot View Kit #accessories |
09-Jul-18 | Kopter Group announces the formation of Kopter North America LLC #markets |
05-Jul-18 | Kopter’s SH09 on duty for Law Enforcement at APSCON #police |
21-Jun-18 | Airbus Helicopters delivers first H145s to Rega #delivery |
15-Jun-18 | Now Distributing The Swiss Rotor Solutions Maximum Pilot View Kit #windows |
12-Jun-18 | RUAG accomplishes first overhaul of PW206 engine #engines |
06-Jun-18 | RUAG achieves Bell 505 Jet Ranger X helicopter MRO approvals with reassembly capabilities #MRO |
31-May-18 | AW169 Enters Swiss VIP Transport Market With First Order #VIP |
29-May-18 | Public presentation of first ACH130 delivered since the launch of Airbus Corporate Helicopters #aircraft |
24-May-18 | Kopter announces Garmin G3000H for Baseline of SH09 Helicopter #aircraft |
19-May-18 | Kopter participates in Air Zermatt’s 50 years jubilee event |
17-May-18 | Air Zermatt Celebrates 50 Years Of Operations With New Bell 429 Delivery |
01-May-18 | RUAG holds first Swiss-based helicopter crew training for Maintenance Check Flights ahead of 2019 EASA regulation |
23-Mar-18 | Thommen Announces Supersonic Air Data Systems and Angle of Attack Computation |
20-Mar-18 | RUAG expands scope of EASA Design Organization Approval to include Night Vision Imaging Systems |
02-Mar-18 | Kopter has recorded 40 orders and engagements for its SH09 at Heli-Expo 2018 |
01-Mar-18 | Schiebel Wins Camcopter S-100 Contract with MDA |
28-Feb-18 | U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Selects Rusada |
27-Feb-18 | Kopter signed with Rainier International Inc. for 10 SH09 |
27-Feb-18 | Kopter Group AG signs with Paradise Helicopters for four SH09 |
21-Feb-18 | Kopter received Design Organization Approval from EASA |
17-Feb-18 | Kopter Group announces new order for 18 SH09 units from Helitrans AS of Norway |
01-Feb-18 | Marenco Swisshelicopter (MSH) rebrands its fast-growing business |
23-Jan-18 | Marenco SwissHelicopter SKYe SH09 Second Prototype to be Present at Heli-Expo 2018 |
04-Oct-17 | Navigating through high winds and icy mountains, Air Zermatt puts its Bell 429 to the test |
09-Aug-17 | Aerolite Delivers Bell 429 Medical Interiors |
23-May-17 | Centaurium Aviation Ltd takes delivery of its GrandNew helicopter in Switzerland |
23-Mar-17 | SKYe SH09 order-book hits 101 units |
20-Mar-17 | RUAG integrates pilot assistance and safety solution on EC635 for NATO DVE flight trials |
03-Feb-17 | Marenco SwissHelicopter proud to join the 2017 Helicopter Exposition in Dallas for a 7th participation |
18-Jan-17 | DART Aerospace Teams Up with Air Zermatt to Improve H130/EC130T2 Basket Performance |
29-Dec-16 | Swiss Air Force Deploys Seven Super Puma |
21-Dec-16 | Swiss Rotor Solutions Receives EASA STC For Maximum Pilot View Kit |
09-Dec-16 | Rega purchases six new rescue helicopters |
06-Dec-16 | RUAG named Authorised Service Centre for the AW139 by Leonardo |
09-Nov-16 | An aerial handyman in the Swiss Alps |
17-Oct-16 | Bell 429 to feature in Red Bull TV Series, The Horn |
12-Jul-16 | Bell Helicopter names RUAG Aviation as CSF in Switzerland |
15-Jun-16 | Rega receives CAMTS accreditation |
09-Jun-16 | Multinational partners exercise internal abilities during Operation Icarus |
09-Jun-16 | DRF Luftrettung selects Bucher for H135 HEMS |
02-Mar-16 | Air Zermatt has selected the SKYe SH09 as its next generation single-engine turbine helicopter |
26-Feb-16 | Marenco Swisshelicopter Starts Flights With P2, The Second Prototype of the SKYe SH09 Helicopter |
12-Feb-16 | An H135 gets a makeover in Switzerland |
04-Jan-16 | Aerolite Receives STC for AgustaWestland AW169 Air Medical Interior |
01-Dec-15 | Swiss Air-Rescue Rega takes a major step in Project Icebird with a contract for three rescue AW169s |
20-Oct-15 | Rusada signs its first contract in mainland China with CGAMEC |
06-Oct-15 | Cantonal police Zurich introduces new helicopter #Zurich |
18-Sep-15 | Multinational air operation takes flight in Kosovo |
19-Jun-15 | Switzerland Air Zermatt receives the first Airbus Helicopters H130 configured for aerial work |
05-Jun-15 | Kaman Resumes Commercial K-MAX Helicopter Production |
13-Apr-15 | Faasa Aviation signs with Rusada |
02-Mar-15 | Aerolite Receives EASA STC for EC145 T2 EMS Interior |
19-Feb-15 | Revue Thommen AG Searchlight Installations on AS350 Have Been STC Certified |
10-Dec-14 | Rega helicopters equipped for instrument flight |
30-Sep-14 | Elbit Systems Performs Successful Demonstration Flights Using SkyVis Onboard Swiss Air-Rescue Rega AW109SP Helicopter |
29-May-14 | Strong Demand for Bell 429 EMS interiors |
20-May-14 | Bell Helicopter Announces First VIP-Configured Bell 429 Delivery in Switzerland |
17-Feb-14 | Thommen Announces Agreement With Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation To Supply High-Performance Helicopter Searchlight Systems, Laser and IR Technology For S-92 Helicopter Program |
05-Feb-14 | Thommen Digital Air Data Computers and Chronometers Selected For AgustaWestland AW189 |
30-Jan-14 | Swiss EMS Pioneer, Air Zermatt AG, selected Becker Avionics Digital Aircraft Audio System for new Bell 429 Fleet |
13-Dec-13 | Thales EC635 helicopter simulator for Swiss Air Force achieves Level D certification |
18-Jun-13 | AgustaWestland Delivers GrandNew Full Flight Simulator to Rega and Signs Cooperation Agreement with Swiss Aviation Training |
07-Mar-11 | Rega and the EC145 |
21-Jan-11 | Rega Signs Contract for a GrandNew Helicopter Simulator |
27-May-10 | The world’s highest-altitude longline rescue is performed by Fishtail Air’s newly-delivered no. 2 Eurocopter AS350 helicopter |
22-Dec-09 | Swiss Air Force receives 20th Eurocopter EC635 Helicopter Eurocopter completes contract on time and on quality |
05-Mar-09 | AgustaWestland Unveils the Da Vinci Project Helicopter |
12-Sep-06 | Swiss Air-Rescue, REGA, Selects The AgustaWestland Grand Helicopter For Their Mountain Rescue and Ambulance Operations |
29-Jun-06 | US Army selects Eurocopter UH-145 for its Light Utility Helicopter Requirement |
02-Dec-04 | Handover Of The First Aga Khan Development Network AB139 Helicopter |