Eight TTH requested to replace the UH-1H in use by 3 Squadron. Up to four of them will be able to be transported aboard the new Navy, Multi Role Vessel, HMNZS Canterbury
On 22 Aug 2013, one of the first five RNZAF NH-90 was seriously damaged by a lightning strike, 4 nm NE of Ohakea Air Base, requiring the replacement of all main and tail rotors. For an all weather airframe which includes SAR in its role, this is a serious setback to the service introduction programme.

The NH90 was introduced into RNZAF service in 2013. With meticulous ground engineering support and careful management of its fleet, 3 Squadron is making good use of its NH90s.

NH90 Training with NZ Police
Launching NH90 from HMNZS Canterbury
RNZAF NH90 patrol dog
RNZAF NH90 helicopter to the rescue
Launching NH90 from HMNZS Canterbury
RNZAF NH90 patrol dog
RNZAF NH90 helicopter to the rescue