--- France --- Aéronautique Navale - AB47 Aéronautique Navale - Alouette II Aéronautique Navale - Alouette III Aéronautique Navale - AS365 Dauphin 2 Aéronautique Navale - Camcopter S-100 Aéronautique Navale - EC225LP Aéronautique Navale - H-19D Chickasaw Aéronautique Navale - H-21 Aéronautique Navale - H160 Aéronautique Navale - H160M Aéronautique Navale - HSS-1 Seabat Aéronautique Navale - HUP-2 / UH-25B Retriever Aéronautique Navale - Lynx Aéronautique Navale - NH90 NFH Aéronautique Navale - S-51 / R-5 / H-5 Aéronautique Navale - SA360 Dauphin Aéronautique Navale - SA365 Dauphin 2 Aéronautique Navale - SE3210 Super Frelon ------------------------------------ Armée de l'Air - Alouette II Armée de l'Air - Alouette III Armée de l'Air - AS332 Super Puma Armée de l'Air - AS355 ecureuil 2 Armée de l'Air - AS355 Ecureuil 2 Armée de l'Air - dragonfly Armée de l'Air - EC225LP Armée de l'Air - H-34A Armée de l'Air - H160M Armée de l'Air - H225M Armée de l'Air - S-55 H-19 Armée de l'Air - S-58 H-34 Armée de l'Air - SA330 Puma Armée de l'Air - Super Puma/Cougar ------------------------------------ ALAT - 47 ALAT - Alouette II ALAT - Alouette III ALAT - AS355 Ecureuil 2 ALAT - AS532UL Cougar ALAT - EC725AP Caracal ALAT - Gazelle ALAT - H-21 ALAT - H160M ALAT - NH90 TTH ALAT - S-55 H-19 ALAT - SA330 Puma ALAT - SO-1221 Djinn ALAT - Tiger / Tigre ------------------------------------ Douane - AS355 ecureuil 2 Douane - EC135T2+ Gendarmerie Nationale - Alouette II Gendarmerie Nationale - Alouette III Gendarmerie Nationale - AS350 Ecureuil Gendarmerie Nationale - EC135 Gendarmerie Nationale - EC145 Gendarmerie Nationale - H145D3 Gendarmerie Nationale - H160 ------------------------------------ Sécurité Civile - Alouette II Sécurité Civile - Alouette III Sécurité Civile - AS350B Ecureuil Sécurité Civile - AS350B2 Ecureuil Sécurité Civile - AS350B2 Ecureuil Sécurité Civile - EC145 Sécurité Civile - H145D3 Sécurité Civile - SA365 Dauphin 2 ------------------------------------ Airtelis - AS350 Ecureuil Airtelis - EC135/H135 Airtelis - EC225LP Airtelis - H125 Airtelis - H215 / AS332C1e / AS332L1e ------------------------------------ Babcock France - H145D2 / EC145T2 Babcock France - H145D3 Heli Securite - 429 Helicap - EC135 INAER France - 429 INAER France - EC135 JCE Helicopteres - AS350 Ecureuil Skycam Hélicoptères - AW109SP GrandNew Aerospatiale - AS350 Ecureuil Aerospatiale - SA360 Dauphin Eurocopter France - AS350 Ecureuil Eurocopter France - AS365 Dauphin 2 Eurocopter France - EC120B Eurocopter France - EC135 Eurocopter France - H175 Eurocopter France - NH90 Eurocopter France - Super Puma/Cougar ------------------------------------ Hélicoptères Guimbal - Cabri G2 heli bearn's - SE3160 / SA316A Alouette III Heli Protection - 212 Heli-Bulles 51 - R44 Heli-Union - 269C / 300 Heli-Union - AS365 Dauphin 2 Heli-Union - AW139 Heli-Union - Cabri G2 Heli-Union - H160 Heli-Union - S-76 Heli-Union - SA330 Puma Heli-Union - Super Puma/Cougar ------------------------------------ HeliDax - EC120 IXAIR - Cabri G2 SAMU - 429 SAMU - Alouette III SAMU - AW109S Trekker SAMU - EC135 SAMU - EC135/H135 SAMU - EC145 SAMU - H145D2 / EC145T2 SAMU - H145D3 SAMU - MD900 Explorer ------------------------------------ AZUR Hélicoptère - R22 AZUR Hélicoptère - R44 --- Other Organisation --- --- H145D3 --- AR - HMSA (Helicopteros Marinos) - H145D3 AU - Australia Police - H145D3 BE - Federale Politie / Police Fédérale (Belgian National Police) - H145M / BK117D3M BE - Luchtcomponent (Belgian Air Component) - H145M / BK117D3M BE - NHV (Noordzee Helikopters Vlaanderen) - H145D3 BN - RBAirF (Royal Brunei Air Force) - H145M / BK117D3M CA - Ascent Helicopters - H145D3 CA - Canadian Ambulance Services - H145D3 CH - Loft Dynamics (VRM Switzerland) - H145D3 CH - REGA (Swiss Air Rescue) - H145D3 CL - Ecocopter - H145D3 CY - Ethniki Froura (Cyprus National Guard) - H145M / BK117D3M DE - ADAC (ADAC Air Rescue) - H145D3 DE - Airbus Helicopters Deutschland GmbH (Airbus Helicopters Germany) - H145D3 DE - DRF (German air rescue) - H145D3 DE - Heeresflieger (German Army Aviation) - H145M / BK117D3M DE - HTM (Helicopter Travel Munich) - H145D3 DE - Landespolizei (German Local Police) - H145D3 DE - Luftwaffe (German Air Force) - H145D3 FR - Babcock France - H145D3 FR - Gendarmerie Nationale (French National Gendarmerie) - H145D3 FR - SAMU (Emergency Medical Assistance Service ) - H145D3 FR - Sécurité Civile (French Civilian Security) - H145D3 IE - LCI Aviation (Lease Corporation International) - H145D3 IE - Milestone Aviation - H145D3 IT - Avincis (Babcock Italia) - H145D3 IT - EliFriulia - H145D3 LT - Valstybes Sienos Apsaugos Tarnyba (Lithuanian Border Guard) - H145D3 LU - Luxembourg Air Rescue (Luxembourg Air rescue) - H145D3 MX - Transportes Aereos Pegaso - H145D3 NO - NLA AS (Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation) - H145D3 PG - Pacific Helicopters - H145D3 SA - THC (The Helicopter Company) - H145D3 SE - SAA (Babcock / Avincis Sweden) - H145D3 UA - Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine - H145D3 UK - Royal Air Force - H145D3 UK - Starspeed Ltd - H145D3 UK - UK Air Ambulances - H145D3 US - Airbus Helicopters Inc - UH-72B Lakota US - US Army Aviation - UH-72B Lakota --- Other Model ---
2021 to present French Civilian Security
First batch of two 5-bladed helicopters ordered in 2020 and delivered in December 2021
24-Jan-24 - The Ministry of Interior has ordered 42 ( plus 22 options ) new Airbus H145D3 five-bladed helicopters. Deliveries are set to commence this year. Sécurité Civile will receive 42 for search and rescue, while the Gendarmerie Nationale will receive 6 for law enforcement #H145D3
17-Dec-21 - French Sécurité Civile orders second pair of Airbus H145D3s. The first two 5-bladed helicopters were delivered to the Agency this month and will gradually replace a fleet of 33 EC145s that entered service in 2002 #H145D3
C/N Mod Built ID In this OrgIn other Org 21071 2021 F-ZBQM Securite Civile, test serial D-HADI 21082 2021 F-ZBQN Securite Civile 21164 2022 F-ZBQO DRAGO741 Securite Civile, test serial D-HADH 21165 2022 F-ZBQP DRAGO38 Securite Civile, test serial HADM
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