
BE Godetia class

Support Ship


Support Ship Godetia class

A Command and logistic support ship for mine countermeasures vessels is capable of carrying one helicopter in a telescopic hangar. Her Half-sister Zinnia incorporated several modifications. Both ships are also used in the fishery protection role

Derivatives / Succeeded by
1967 BE Zinnia class


2500full load (tn)
91.30length (m)
14beam (m)
3.50draught (m)
8700range (nm)
19max speed (knots)

4Naval Engine diesel

3Naval Gun single 40 mm

helicopter   Aircraft

Typical Max
Landing platform only. No hangar
BE Belgian Navy SNIA SA316B Alouette III 11


BE Boelwerf - Cauwerburg1

  List of Ships

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1966--BEBelgian NavyA960Godetia ORJH
1967--BEBelgian NavyA961Zinnia class ZinniaORJI

2 units


1965-feb-15Laid downLaid down BE A960 Godetia
1965-dec-07LaunchedLaunched BE A960 Godetia
1966-may-23CommissionedCommissioned BE A960 Godetia
1979RefitRefit BE A960 Godetia
1981RefitRefit BE A960 Godetia mid life service extension
1992RefitRefit BE A960 Godetia
2005-jun-24DeploymentDeployment BE A960 Godetia Fleet Review: Trafalgar 200 Present at Trafalgar 200 Fleet Review, off Gilkicker Point
2005-jul-01Port VisitPort Visit BE A960 Godetia Present at International Festival of the Sea 2005, Portsmouth
2007-apr-19Port VisitPort Visit BE A960 Godetia assigned to 40 Squadron
noted at West India Dock with Alouette III M-2 ranged on deck.
2007-jun-04 BE A960 Godetia BALTOPS 07 participated with BALTOPS 07
2009-julPort VisitPort Visit BE A960 Godetia visit to West India Dock
2010-jul-03HomeportHomeport BE A960 Godetia 3+4 July participated with Fleet Days Zeebrugge Belgium.
2015-novPort VisitPort Visit BE A960 Godetia in Vigo, Spain
2015-nov-26Port VisitPort Visit BE A960 Godetia led a weekend visit of NATO Mine Countermeasures ships to West India Dock.
2017-mar-24DeploymentDeployment BE A960 Godetia Exercise Joint Warrior 17-1 Participated in Joint Warrior 17-1, in Scottish Training Areas

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