NEWS | Bell APT 70

Bell APT 70 Drone Cargo Capacity

The Bell APT-70 unmanned air vehicle (UAV) can carry 46 lunch boxes. Check out all the things you could transport with this innovative platform

Bell APT 70 Drone Cargo Capacity
Bell, June 24, 2020 - Early in March, Bell APT 70 successfully participated in the March Army Expeditionary Warfighter Experiment, flying more than 17 flights, covering 42 miles, conducting eight autonomous resupply missions.

For this unmanned vehicle, the opportunities to make itself a key part of business supply chains, provide remote citizens or warfighters in the battlefield with necessary resources or drop packages to consumers are vast.

And for a platform that can carry 70 lbs of goods, there’s a lot it can move:

- 72 water bottles
- 46 boxed lunches
- 70 blood bags
- 3 boxes of MREs (Meal, Ready to Eat) adding to 36 total meals
- 64 magazines of 0.556 ammunition
- 5 gallon Fuel or Water cans

APT’s build and flight-testing process continue to demonstrate the capacity of goods that could be moved through a quick 15-minute flight. With more progress comes more opportunity to solve real-world challenges with the APT family. Discover more about this revolutionary product and its origins.

Bell APT 70 Drone Cargo Capacity

  See also

Bell APT 70
helicopter Helicopters UAV & Drones




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