CAMTS EU Rebranded to CAMTS Global

In order to allow the organization to better reflect its international reach, the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems, CAMTS EU, rebranded to CAMTS Global

CAMTS EU Rebranded to CAMTS Global
CAMTS, January 09, 2019 - CAMTS EU welcomed 2019 with a rebranded name change to CAMTS Global.

The change allows the organization to better reflect its international reach.

“The name CAMTS Global better reflects the organization’s mission as an accreditation body and an international marker of excellence in the medical transport industry for companies from all continents outside of North America,” says CAMTS Global President Stefan Becker.

“During the past two years, CAMTS EU received many comments that CAMTS EU’s name appeared to represent only Europe. There are currently two dual accredited services in Bangkok and there is also interest from other parts of Asia and Africa. The new name properly reflects this global interest in medical transportation excellence.”

CAMTS Global is registered in Zurich and remains a peer review organization. The mission and organization of the Board of Directors of CAMTS and CAMTS Global also remain the same. Board members represent non-profit professional organizations and not specific medical transport services.

The CAMTS Global Board of Directors is expanding its membership to organizations outside of North America as it plans its annual board meeting 11-13 July 2019 in Seattle.

Board members on both CAMTS and CAMTS Global boards make all policy, standards and accreditation decisions, keeping conflicts of interest away from those decisions. If a board member is employed by a medical transport service or a competitor coming before the board for accreditation action, the board member is excused from that deliberation.

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