The Red Lions, Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron FIFTEEN (HS-15) was established on 29 October 1971.

HS-15 completed a deployment aboard the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70), 12 January 2010 to 12 April 2010, flying the Sikorsky SH-60F and HH-60H. The area of operations was the Caribbean Sea. HS-15 was assigned to Carrier Air Wing 17 (CVW-17) - tailcode AA. The USS Carl Vinson was assigned to the Carl Vinson Carrier Strike Group. On 11 August 2011, Commander Gabriel E. Soltero assumed command of HS-15.

On November 2012, HELANTISUBRON 15 transitioned to the MH-60S Seahawk and is redesignated HELSEACOMBATRON 15 ( HSC-15 )
1971-1973, I was a plank owner yeoman for HS-15 Commander Franklin was our Captain. I still have a tiny piece of the little plank certificate, but the large one is lost forever... -

I was at the commissioning of HS-15. We started with only 3 SH-3H helos and slowly recieved 5 more. Once just before deployment on the USS Guam (LPH-9) there was a flood in Penn. and we flew air rescue fom Friday thru Sunday night and never shut down one chopper, we hot refueled and had to meet the ship at sea. At sea we flew anti-sub missions and sea air rescue for marines flying Harriers. Definately a unique vertical take and landing aircraft.

Dec71 Assigned to HS-15 in Lakehurst NJ, I was an AW (aircrew/swimmer). Almost all of my A school class was redirected from P-3 training to become helicopter aircrew because the H model was projected to have many of the P-3 capabilities. My first fleet squadron - I had no idea how special this group was, but appreciate it now in retrospect. We had SH-3G's until we received our SH-3H's, and I was honored to become one of the first fully qualified SH-3H "First Crewmen". We also had a specially modified SH-3 with an AEW radar that would deploy below the aircraft - and even had an NFO assigned to operate it. We got special training to do testing of a very accurate navigation system that employed early versions of differential doppler and accelerometers. Deployed from Rescue operations following flooding rescues in Pennsylvania, I participated in multiple at sea periods aboard the USS Guam LPH-9, including one in port visit to Lisbon Portugal, and flying ASW operations above the Arctic Circle (Bluenose). I witnessed the first landing of a Harrier aboard the USS Guam, and many years later met that pilot aboard the USS Constellation CV-64 where he was the XO of an A-7 squadron and I, an F-14 Pilot. Our common roots of participating in the "Sea Control Concept" Operational Testing cemented our bond. I remember when the Red Lions was looking for a patch and the competition among the crew to pick one. There are lots of messages embodied in that patch - but that is for another time.... Ed Riley

1971-193, Jim Keiper, AW3/2, [email protected], 757-739-9082, in HC-4/HSL-30 in Lakehurst next door to HS-15. I was requested to fill in as 15 might have been short on air crewmen for a 2 week warmup cruise on USS Guam. Got to operate Dipping Sonar, make an emergency medivac of an injured sailor from one of our small boys in our Amphibious Group back to USS Guam who got his fingers crushed. My first time using the Stokes Litter and the SH-3G’s “joy stick.” I even got some left seat time courtesy of the Canadian Exchange Pilot! That was a very interesting couple of weeks. -

Mid-70s I was an antisubmarine warefare operater crewman and SAR wet crewman in HS-15 at NAS Jax. Was aboard USS Guam, Independence and plank owner on the Nimitz. Had SH-3Hs. I was in one crash. Tailrotor drive shaft seized during a refueling op with USS Luce. They pulled us out of the water and dried us off. Cmdr. McCarty was skipper at the time. Great group.

1973, I joined HS-15 in late 1973 as an AW and SAR wet crewman. I remember Ed Riley being in the squadron most of the time I was in. I only took the last Guam cruise in spring of 1974 when HS-7 joined us. Gary Atchey and I went from college to boot camp and went back to FSU and we were roommates there for a couple of years. We volunteered for a MED cruise with HS-7 in fall 1974 because HS-15 was not scheduled to go to sea until 1976 and we wanted to see the world. Things changed! We were on the Nimitz commissioning cruise as soon as we returned. -

1973-1976 AW and SAR wet crewman aboard the Guam, Saratoga (deployed to HS-7), Nimitz commissioning cruise in 1975 and America in1976. -

1977 or 76 became a SAR wetcrew man wit HS1 the training squadron at NAS Jax. After completion I became an HS-15 Red Lion. After doing first workups aboard the Nimitz we went to the USS America. 2 Med cruises ,Autec , Buenos Aires , Rosie Roads , I was done with many great memories. Lebanon crisis possible rooftop evac, loss of all hydraulics thank God for Ltcdr George Wilson, loss of an engine over the Carolinas, and my just missed live rescue waiting to hot switch the plane guard crew ,an F-14 Tomcat hooked the ship slammed broke in half and rolled off the side. Good and crazy memories!

1982-1985, HS-15 SH-3H pilot. Checked in on a Saturday June 1982 and left 3 days later on 6 month deployment on USS Independence (CV-62) to the Med as an Ensign (Fleet) pilot for 4 of the 6 months! My 2nd deployment with HS-15 on CV-62 was Oct 1983 - only 6 hours out of Norfolk we were turned south for Grenada ops. Skipper CDR Harve Fielding (w/ LCDR Gerry Carroll copilot) received Helicopter Pilot of the Year award for a rescue of 13 Army personnel. We also performed the rescue of the first successful 4-man ejection of an S-3. Straight to Beirut after the Marine Barracks bombing. Gaddafi had threatened to put a torpedo into an American carrier. LCDR Palko and I were ready to drop a live warshot torpedo on an unknown submerged contact closing the carrier but were not given permission to drop. Very close. My third cruise with HS-15 was 84-85 to the IO as an LT. CDR Arnal Cook USNR RET

1984-1988, I was stationed with HS-15 and assigned to USS Forestall. MS2 Koviak and selected to Petty Officer First Class and earned the Aviation Warfare certification.

1985-1989 Deployed onboard USS Forrestal (CV-59). I was stationed in HS-15 during this time as an AZ2. HS-15 was stationed at NAS Jacksonville, FL, and the Forrestal was stationed in Mayport, FL.

1986-87 Fred Drajna LCDR Ret, Finished my Navy career retired in a ceremony in hangar 115 NAS Jacksonville, FL with the rank of LCDR. Many good sailors in the squadron, I served as assistant maintenance officer under LCDR Avaaduti, a very good man. Our maintenance master chief was MCPO Joe Arisabal who relieved MCPO Franke Taylor. -

1987-1989, I was stationed with HS-15 from April 1987 - April 1989. AD3 John F. Schultz

News about HS-15 |
HS-15 Officially Transitions to HSC-15
16-Nov-12 - SAN DIEGO (NNS) by By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class (SW/AW) Jonathan P. Idle, Navy Public Affairs Support Element West - Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron (HS) 15 officially transitioned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 15 during a ceremony, Nov. 15, at Naval Air Station North Island.