Endurance class - L - Landing Ship/Platform Dock IMO: 4627947 MMSI: 563437000 Flight Deck: Call Sign: 9VTY Shipyard: ST Marine Events ---Filter---LaunchedCommissioned History of RSS Persistence 209 1999-marLaunchedLaunched 2001-aprCommissionedCommissioned Add new event for this unitYear:Month: <- (1/12) Optional Day: <- (1/31) Optional Text: Add Event Specifications Endurance class 65crew 6000full load (tn) 141length (m) 21beam (m) 5draught (m) 5000range (nm) 15max speed (knots) 2Naval Engine diesel - Ruston RK270 2Missile Launcher Simbad twin launcher 1Naval Gun Oto Melara 76 mm Aircraft Typical Max Republic of Singapore Air Force Sikorsky S-70B 12 Builder ST Marine, Benoi Road