Städtisches Krankenhaus Harlaching

München , Bavaria

germany Germany

Satellite and aerial maps of Klinikum Harlaching with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
Deutsches Museum , Bavaria 5.4018
Neubiburg , Bavaria 5.8101
Klinikum rechts der Isar der TUM , Bavaria 6.6027
UKH Grosshadern , Bavaria 7.7293
Munich Cardiac Centre , Bavaria 7.7353DHZM
Ottobrunn heliport , Bavaria 8.0119EDMR

  Klinikum Harlaching

1970 to present

48° 5' 0.84'' N     11° 33' 35.79'' E
Untergiesing-Harlaching, München, Bavaria
Elevation: 1850 feet

Christoph 1 was inaugurated at Harlaching on 1 Nov 1970, as the first rescue helicopter under German public law.

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  List of units at Klinikum Harlaching

Years Unit
1984-    Christoph 1 (ADAC)H145D2 / EC145T2, Bk117,
1975/84Christoph 1 (BMI)UH-1D,
1970/75Christoph 1 (ADAC)Bo105,

  Klinikum Harlaching News

First ADAC Helicopter Using Biofuel

First ADAC Helicopter Using Biofuel

07-Jun-21 - A German air ambulance ADAC H145 helicopter flown on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) for the first time thanks a partnership between Safran Helicopter Engines, Airbus and the energy company TotalEnergies #ecology

List of aircraft and events at Klinikum Harlaching

By Date | By Serial | By Model

1991-aug Christoph 1 (ADAC) 105CB-2 D-HDMA
1991-aug ADAC BK117B1 D-HAWK

1996-nov Christoph 1 (ADAC) BK117B1 D-HLTB

2000-jun-01 ADAC BK117A1 D-HDAC

2011-jul-31 Christoph 1 (ADAC) BK117A3 D-HMUM

2014-sep-27 Christoph 22Christoph 22 (ADAC) BK117A1 D-HBND
2014-oct-12 Christoph 15Christoph 15 (ADAC) EC135P2 D-HJMD

2015-may-26 Christoph 1 (ADAC) BK117C-1 D-HLIR

2019-aug-22 Christoph 1 (ADAC) H145D2 D-HYAQ
2019-oct-26 ADAC H145D2 D-HYAQ

2020-mar-05 Christoph 1 (ADAC) H145D2 D-HYAL
2020-jul-17 Christoph 1 (ADAC) H145D2 D-HYAL
2020-aug-19 Edelweiss EC135P2+ D-HBPE
2020-sep-08 ADAC EC135P2+ D-HUTH

2021-jun-07 Christoph 1 (ADAC) H145D2 D-HYAJ
2021-jun-24 Christoph 40Christoph 40 (ADAC) EC135P2+ D-HKUE

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