Swan Hunter (Neptune)

Newcastle-upon-Tyne , Tyne and Wear , England

united kingdom United Kingdom

Satellite and aerial maps of Swan Hunter (Neptune) with nearby locations

Nearby locationsKmBearing
Swan Hunter (Wallsend) , England 0.6021
Hawthorn Leslie , England 0.6065
A and P Tyneside , England 1.0065
Vickers-Armstrong , England 1.4187
RMR Tyne , England 3.4241EGG11
Spiller's Wharf , England 3.4243

  Swan Hunter (Neptune)

1860 to 1988

54° 58' 50'' N     1° 32' 2'' W
Low Walker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England
Elevation: 10 feet

The main series of integrated yard numbers from Swan Hunter Wigham Richardson days (with the Wallsend yard) ended with HMS Bristol in 1967.
After its closure in 1988, it has become the Neptune Yard and Offshore Technology Centre.

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List of ships built at Swan Hunter (Neptune)

1965Support Ship OL class
1966Support Ship Ness class
1973Guided-Missile Destroyer Type 82 Bristol class
1974Support Ship Rover class
1977Guided-Missile Destroyer Type 42 (Batch 1 and 2) class
1985Guided-Missile Destroyer Type 42 (Batch 3)
1988Frigate Type 22 (Batch 2) Boxer class
1990Frigate Type 22 (Batch 3) Cornwall class

1964-nov-19UK A124 RFA Olmeda OL class
1966-apr-7UK A339 RFA Lyness Ness class
1967-feb-28UK A345 RFA Tarbatness Ness class
1969-jun-30UK D23 HMS Bristol Type 82 Bristol class
1973-mar-7UK A271 RFA Gold Rover Rover class
1973-oct-30UK A273 RFA Black Rover Rover class
1975-apr-24UK D87 HMS Newcastle Type 42 (Batch 1 and 2) class
1976-apr-14UK D88 HMS Glasgow Type 42 (Batch 1 and 2) class
1978-apr-25UK D89 HMS Exeter Type 42 (Batch 1 and 2) class
1982-jun-21UK D98 HMS York Type 42 (Batch 3)
1986-mar-26UK F96 HMS Sheffield Type 22 (Batch 2) Boxer class
1988-jan-20UK F87 HMS Chatham Type 22 (Batch 3) Cornwall class

List of aircraft and events at Swan Hunter (Neptune)

By Date | By Serial | By Model

1963-aug-27 Royal Fleet Auxiliary OL class A124 RFA Olmeda

1965-apr-01 Royal Fleet Auxiliary Ness class A339 RFA Lyness

1966-apr-15 Royal Fleet Auxiliary Ness class A345 RFA Tarbatness

1967-nov-15 RN Type 82 Bristol class D23 HMS Bristol

1973-feb-21 RN Type 42 (Batch 1 and 2) class D87 HMS Newcastle
1973-mar-07 Royal Fleet Auxiliary Rover class A271 RFA Gold Rover
1973-oct-30 Royal Fleet Auxiliary Rover class A273 RFA Black Rover

1974-mar-07 RN Type 42 (Batch 1 and 2) class D88 HMS Glasgow

1980-jan-08 RN Type 42 (Batch 3) D98 HMS York

1984-mar-29 RN Type 22 (Batch 2) Boxer class F96 HMS Sheffield

1986-may-12 RN Type 22 (Batch 3) Cornwall class F87 HMS Chatham

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