Bell 206

Bell TH-67A Creek

The Bell 206B-3 was the winner of the 1993 US Army's New Training Helicopter ( NTH ) competition.
In 1992 the Army sought a replacement for the UH-1Hs that were being used at the Army Aviation Center. A request for proposal was advertised that resulted with four manufacturers submitting 5 entries for evaluation. American Eurocopter with two separate entries based on the AS350, Enstrom, Schweizer 330 and the Bell 206BIII. Schweizer was eliminated. Enstrom was determined not a suitable instrument trainer and the AS350s were too costly from both lack of early delivery and per hour costs. Bell manufactured the aircraft at Mirabel Canada. They were initially flown to completion centers Premier Aviation at Arlington, Texas with later ones to Edwards Aircraft in Tenn for missionization. The Army operates the TH-67 as public use and they carry US registrations, are maintained by a civilian contractor to maintain US airworthiness standards. They are owned by the Army and are not leased.TH-67s are used for primary, instrument and basic combat skills training at Fort Rucker from Cairns Army Airfield and Shell Army Heliport. They are used nowhere else in the US Army. There have been foreign military sales.

  TH-67A Creek News

Helicopter Institute Awarded USN IFT-R COPTR Contract

Helicopter Institute Awarded USN IFT-R COPTR Contract

26-Sep-23 - Helicopter Institute Inc (HII) at Fort Worth, Texas awarded the US Navy Initial Flight Training Rotary (IFT-R) contract using Bell 206. The Contractor Only Pilot Training – Rotary (COPTR) will support the Naval Air Training Command (NATC) in their existing helicopter training programs. #FlightTraining
Farewell to TH-67 Creek

Farewell to TH-67 Creek

20-Feb-21 - With a ceremony held at Fort Rucker the US Army retired the Bell TH-67A Creek as their basic trainer helicopter. Since 1993 over 25,000 American and foreign students were trained with the TH-67 #Creek
Sixty TH-67 Trainer Helicopters to Colombia

Sixty TH-67 Trainer Helicopters to Colombia

05-Aug-19 - US Army Security Assistance Command (USASAC) sent 60 Bell TH-67A Creek (Bell 206B-3) training helicopters to the Regional Helicopter Training Center in Melgar, Colombia under Title 10, Section 333 authority: support foreign countries in counter-illicit drug trafficking operations. Each helicopter valued $25,000
First UH-72A Lakota in Trainer Configuration Delivered

First UH-72A Lakota in Trainer Configuration Delivered

27-Mar-15 - The US Army received first UH-72A Lakota from production line configured as initial-entry training helicopter. Newest helicopter will join seven Lakotas already modified to training configuration

  List of Operators of TH-67A Creek

Years Model Org
1962-    206 usa Bell Helicopter
1968/20 206 usa US Army Aviation
1993/21 usa US Army Aviation
1996-    taiwan Taiwan Army
2019-    colombia Fuerza Aerea Colombiana

206 usa State of Alabama
206 usa US Department of Agriculture
206 usa State of Arkansas

  Global Distribution of TH-67A Creek


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