Established 1978, Hawker Pacific is an integrated aviation solutions provider serving government and private customers across the Asia Pacific and the Middle East. FBO Locations at Sydney, Brisbane, Perth, Cairns, Singapore and Shanghai China and offices across Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Phillippines, Hong Kong and the UAE. These locations includes 7 FBOs, 14 MRO facilities and over 400,000 sq ft of hangar space.
Hawker Pacific is representative of Beechcraft, Bell, Dassault Falcon, Diamond Aircraft, Embraer, Lycoming, Honeywell, Garmin, Universal Avionics and more.
Units within this Organisation |
| Model | C/N | Built | ID |
| 407GX | 54365 | 2012 | N407CE : Aug12 demo tour with Hawker Pacific
| 429 | 57128 | 2012 | N429MD : Aug/Sep 2014 Bell 429 EMS demo tour in Australia and New Zealand : 08sep14 pictured (pic2) at Hawker Pacific to start Australian soi ...
| 206L-4 Long Ranger | 52136 | 1995 | VH-EGD : Hawker Pacific from Apr15 
| 407 | 53194 | 1997 | VH-NQH : Hawker Pacific Pty from Feb13
| 429 | 57408 | 2020 | VH-PHB : Hawker Pacific Pty Ltd at Wetherill Park, NSW from May21
| R44 Raven | 0928 | 2000 | VH-UFM : Hawker Pacific Pty from Ju1l3
| R44 Raven | 0843 | 2000 | VH-UFN : Hawker Pacific Pty from Jul13
| 407GX | 54365 | 2012 | VH-YGX : Australia reg Jul14  : exported to India Apr17  : pictured (pic2) on display at 2015 International Airshow at Aval ... 
| 427 | 56078 | 2009 | ZK-IRP : Hawker Pacific NZ Ltd Jan/Mar 2012