argentina Prefectura Naval Argentina

PNA - Argentine Coast Guard

  • Prefectura Naval Argentina Argentine Coast Guard
  • prefectura naval argentina

Prefectura Naval Argentina
The Servicio de AviaciĆ³n (Coast Guard Aviation Service) traces its origins back to 1946 when a small group of officers was sent to the Argentine Naval Aviation school. They learned how to fly on the Boeing N2S Kaydet and North American SNJ of the Argentine Navy, which also transferred its first aircraft: Three Grumman JRF Goose.

In 1961, the service received its first helicopter: a Sikorsky S-51 Dragonfly.

Nowadays, supported by CASA 212MP and Beechcraft 350ER MPA aircraft, the PNA helicopters fly daily performing search and rescue, surveillance, and general support missions from the tropical Iguazu region to the patagonian Tierra del Fuego.

  News about Prefectura Naval Argentina

Upgraded Dauphin for Argentine Coast Guard

Upgraded Dauphin for Argentine Coast Guard

07-Nov-21 - Argentine Coast Guard received second upgraded AS365N3+ Dauphin helicopter during the 75th anniversary celebration of its Aviation Service #Dauphin
Argentine Coast Guard Receives Its First H225

Argentine Coast Guard Receives Its First H225

16-Sep-15 - Argentine Coast Guard ( Prefectura Naval Argentina ) received its first H225 helicopter, which will be based in Mar del Plata, marking the start of the renewal process of the SA330 Puma fleet

  List of Units

Servicio de Aviacion - Argentine Coast Guard Aviation Service 1946

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