
AU Adelaide class

US Oliver Hazard Perry long-hull class

Guided-Missile Frigate


Guided-Missile Frigate Adelaide class

The last of class, HMAS Melbourne, decommissioned in Sydney on 26 Oct 2019.


4100full load (tn)
139length (m)
14beam (m)
6.70draught (m)
4500range (nm)
29max speed (knots)
41000power (shp)

2Naval Engine gas turbine - General Electric LM2500

1Missile Launcher Mk 13
1Missile Launcher Mk 41 VLS

1Naval Gun Oto Melara 76 mm
1Close-In Weapon System CIWS Phalanx 20 mm
2Torpedo Launchers Mk 32 triple-tube 324mm

1Naval Radar air search radar AN/SPS-49
1Naval Radar surface search radar AN/SPS-55
1Naval Radar fire direction radar AN/SPG-60
1Sonar hull mounted sonar AN/SQS-56

helicopter   Aircraft

Typical Max
AU RAN Sikorsky S-70B-2 Seahawk 12
AU RAN CAC ca-32 kiowa 12


AU Williamstown - 3nm SW of Melbourne2

  List of Ships

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19802008AURANFFG 01HMAS AdelaideVKLA
19802005AURANFFG 02HMAS CanberraVKCN
19832015AURANFFG 03HMAS SydneyVKML - 03
19842017AURANFFG 04HMAS DarwinVKDA - 04
19922019AURANFFG 05HMAS Melbourne VKLP - 05
19932019AURANFFG 06HMAS Newcastle VLNC - 06

6 units


1977-jul-29Laid downLaid down AU FFG 01 HMAS Adelaide
1978-jun-21LaunchedLaunched AU FFG 01 HMAS Adelaide
1980-aug-30CommissionedCommissioned AU FFG 01 HMAS Adelaide
1983-jan-29CommissionedCommissioned AU FFG 03 HMAS Sydney into RAN
1984-mar-27HomeportHomeport AU FFG 03 HMAS Sydney Arrived at Fleet Base East after journey from USA, via Pearl Harbor.
1985-jul-12Laid downLaid down AU FFG 05 HMAS Melbourne
1986-oct-04Port VisitPort Visit AU FFG 03 HMAS Sydney Fleet Review: 75th anniversary of RAN Present at 75th anniversary of the RAN Fleet Review.
1986-oct-04Port VisitPort Visit AU FFG 04 HMAS Darwin Fleet Review: 75th anniversary of RAN Present at 75th anniversary of the RAN Fleet Review.
1986-oct-04 AU FFG 01 HMAS Adelaide Fleet Review: 75th anniversary of RAN Present at 75th anniversary of the RAN Fleet Review.
1986-oct-04 AU FFG 02 HMAS Canberra Fleet Review: 75th anniversary of RAN Present at 75th anniversary of the RAN Fleet Review, alongside Garden Island
1988RefitRefit AU FFG 03 HMAS Sydney Modified to include fin stabilisation and operation of the S-70 Seahawk.
1989-may-05LaunchedLaunched AU FFG 05 HMAS Melbourne
1989-jul-21Laid downLaid down AU FFG 06 HMAS Newcastle
1990-nov-12DeploymentDeployment AU FFG 03 HMAS Sydney Operation Desert Shield/Storm departed Sydney for Middle East waters, preparing to aid the Kuwaitis, returning on 22 Apr 1991
1991DeploymentDeployment AU FFG 04 HMAS Darwin Operation Desert Shield/Storm First Gulf War with Seahawk 78
1992-feb-15CommissionedCommissioned AU FFG 05 HMAS Melbourne
1992-feb-21LaunchedLaunched AU FFG 06 HMAS Newcastle
1993-dec-11CommissionedCommissioned AU FFG 06 HMAS Newcastle
1998-nov-03Port VisitPort Visit AU FFG 05 HMAS Melbourne at Station Pier, with Ships Flt S-70B N24-006 / 875 embarked
1999-sep-06DeploymentDeployment AU FFG 04 HMAS Darwin recalled from a SE Asian mission, patrolled around the Wetar Strait. She was a pre-cursor to the main INTERFET deployment, partly to deter Indonesian intervention. Darwin provided initial surveillance, SAR and a flight deck to assist in staging helicopters into East Timor and in support of the evacuation of 2500 personnel.
1999-sep-19 AU FFG 01 HMAS Adelaide INTERFET allocated to Australian-led INTERFET mission to East Timor
1999-sep-19DeploymentDeployment AU FFG 04 HMAS Darwin INTERFET allocated to Australian-led INTERFET mission to East Timor
1999-nov-03 AU FFG 03 HMAS Sydney INTERFET allocated to Australian-led INTERFET mission to East Timor
1999-dec-19 AU FFG 06 HMAS Newcastle INTERFET allocated to Australian-led INTERFET mission to East Timor
2000-jan-20 AU FFG 05 HMAS Melbourne INTERFET allocated to Australian-led INTERFET mission to East Timor
2000-jun-13DeploymentDeployment AU FFG 03 HMAS Sydney departed Sydney for 2 month SE Asian deployment, returned mid Aug.
2000-jul-07DeploymentDeployment AU FFG 03 HMAS Sydney Exercise Flying Fish 2000 rendezvous with HMS Cornwall and HMS Newcastle, during Exercise Flying Fish.
2000-sep-08DeploymentDeployment AU FFG 03 HMAS Sydney In and around Sydney Harbour as Olympic Guardship as part of maritime security arrangements for the 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sydney.
2001-janRefitRefit AU FFG 03 HMAS Sydney Refit
2001-aug-24Port VisitPort Visit AU FFG 02 HMAS Canberra arrived Ho Chi Minh City for goodwill visit in company with HMAS Manoora and HMAS Warramunga.
2001-oct-31DeploymentDeployment AU FFG 03 HMAS Sydney departed Darwin for maritime security duties in Middle East. Relieved HMAS Anzac on station, on 9 Nov. Left theatre on 20 Feb and arrived back in Sydney on 28 Mar 2002
2002-sep-17Port VisitPort Visit AU FFG 01 HMAS Adelaide arrived Ho Chi Minh City for goodwill visit.
2004-jun-29DeploymentDeployment AU FFG 06 HMAS Newcastle RIMPAC 04 Participated in RIMPAC 04 exercise with HMAS Parramata and HMAS Success
2005-may-23DeploymentDeployment AU FFG 06 HMAS Newcastle departed for Middle East deployment, as part of Operation Catalyst.
2005-nov-12DecommissionedDecommissioned AU FFG 02 HMAS Canberra decommissioned in a ceremony at Fleet Base West (HMAS Stirling)
2006-apr-07HomeportHomeport AU FFG 04 HMAS Darwin relocated from Fleet Base West (Perth) to Fleet Base East (Sydney).
2007-sep-04DeploymentDeployment AU FFG 01 HMAS Adelaide Exercise Malabar 07-2 Participated in multi-national exercise in Bay of Bengal, until 9 Sep.
2009-jun-18Port VisitPort Visit AU FFG 03 HMAS Sydney visited the Pool of London alongside HMS Belfast for 6 day visit, departed 23 Jun
2009-julPort VisitPort Visit AU FFG 03 HMAS Sydney Visited New York, USA
2009-octRefitRefit AU FFG 03 HMAS Sydney refit, until returned to sea for trials on 27 Apr 2010
2010-jun-09Port VisitPort Visit AU FFG 06 HMAS Newcastle Fleet Review: 100th anniversary of Canadian Navy visited CFB Esquimalt for MARPAC Fleet Review
2013-augDeploymentDeployment AU FFG 05 HMAS Melbourne departed Fleet Base East for 7 month maritime security and counter terrorism deployment to Arabian Gulf and Indian Ocean as part of Operation Slipper. Also operating in the Gulf as part of CTF 151. Returned on 15 Mar 2014.
2013-oct-03Port VisitPort Visit AU FFG 04 HMAS Darwin International Fleet Review Sydney 2013 Present at 100th anniversary of the RAN Fleet Review
2013-oct-03Port VisitPort Visit AU FFG 03 HMAS Sydney International Fleet Review Sydney 2013 Present at 100th anniversary of the RAN Fleet Review
2013-decDeploymentDeployment AU FFG 05 HMAS Melbourne operating in the Arabian Sea as part of CTF 150, alongside HMCS Toronto.
2014-jan-19DeploymentDeployment AU FFG 04 HMAS Darwin departed Fleet Base East for 7 month maritime security and counter terrorism deployment to Arabian Gulf and Indian Ocean as part of Operation Slipper.
2014-marDeploymentDeployment AU FFG 04 HMAS Darwin Combined Task Force 150 operating around Gulf of Aden
2015-aprDeploymentDeployment AU FFG 06 HMAS Newcastle departed Fleet Base East for 6 month deployment to the Middle East region where she fulfilled 50 boardings and flew 70 sorties. It was Newcastle 60th rotation and was replaced on station by sister-ship HMAS Melbourne.
2015-aug-09DeploymentDeployment AU FFG 05 HMAS Melbourne departed Fleet Base East for 6 month maritime security and counter terrorism deployment to Arabian Gulf and Indian Ocean, to relieve HMAS Newcastle, on station. Also operating in the Gulf as part of CTF 151.
2015-nov-07DecommissionedDecommissioned AU FFG 03 HMAS Sydney at Garden Island, Sydney
2015-dec-30DeploymentDeployment AU FFG 04 HMAS Darwin departed Fleet Base West for 6 month deployment to Middle East region to support CTF mission. Returned to Fleet Base East on 17 Jul 2016.
2016-mar-14Port VisitPort Visit AU FFG 04 HMAS Darwin Arrived in Muscat, for rest and replenishment visit, with S-70B from HS-816 Flight 5 embarked
2016-sep-12DeploymentDeployment AU FFG 06 HMAS Newcastle Exercise Kakadu 16 Participated in Exercise Kakadu 16 until 24 Sep. Led Red Force, which included USS Hopper, JS Fuyuzuki, KD Hang Jebat and KRI Hasanuddin.
2016-nov-14DeploymentDeployment AU FFG 04 HMAS Darwin Kaikoura Earthquake relief operations diverted from Auckland to assist in earthquake relief off Kaikoura, due 16 Nov.
2016-nov-20Port VisitPort Visit AU FFG 04 HMAS Darwin visited Wellington, en route Auckland
2017-oct-28Port VisitPort Visit AU FFG 06 HMAS Newcastle Operation MANITOU 1st visit by RAN warship since WW II.
2017-dec-09DecommissionedDecommissioned AU FFG 04 HMAS Darwin in Sydney
2019-aprDeploymentDeployment AU FFG 06 HMAS Newcastle AUSINDEX 2019 Apr 2019, involved in AUSINDEX 2019
2019-may-14Port VisitPort Visit AU FFG 06 HMAS Newcastle IMDEX Asia 2019 attended IMDEX Asia 2019.
2019-jun-30DecommissionedDecommissioned AU FFG 06 HMAS Newcastle
2019-oct-26DecommissionedDecommissioned AU FFG 05 HMAS Melbourne at Homeport of Sydney after 27 years service

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