The AH-64 Apache is a twin-engine, four bladed, attack helicopter designed to operate
during day, night, and in adverse weather.
After the Lockheed AH-56 Cheyenne cancellation,
the US Army launched a new competition for an Advanced Attack Helicopter or AAH.
In 1973, the Hughes Model 77 (YAH-64) was selected as the winner against the
Bell 409 ( YAH-63 ).
Bell 409, YAH-63
Hughes 77, YAH-64
Hughes prototype completed first flight on September 30, 1975 and in 1976 the
company received a full-scale development contract.
In 1982 the Army gave the program, now known as AH-64A Apache , production go-ahead.
On January 1984, McDonnell Douglas Helicopters
acquired Hughes and deliveries of production Apaches began
with the first combat unit deployed in 1986.
These AH-64A of the first series played a key role in the 1991 Gulf War,
where 147 Apaches destroyed near 245 enemy vehicles.
AH-64A Apache
By late 1996, McDonnell Douglas had delivered 937 AH-64A Apaches, 821 to the US Army and 116 to international customers, including Egypt, Greece, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Boeing acquired McDonnell Douglas and launched a new variant, the AH-64D Longbow Apache . Near 600 AH-64A were upgraded with 1800 shp T700-GE-701 turboshafts engines, the Westinghouse Longbow radar system for automatic detection and classification of targets and all weather fire-and-forget type weapons. New built aircraft production followed.
The Longbow Apache was exported to the United Kingdom, as WAH-64 to be assembled by Westland, and to the Netherlands.
Pilot Crewstation (Rear)
Gunner Crewstation (Front)
Boeing has developed and delivered Apache Longbow Crew Trainers -- deployable, full-mission, high-fidelity flight simulators -- to the US Army, Dutch Air Force and international customers ensuring readiness levels for individuals, crews and maintenance test pilots.
AH-64A Apache Production List
AH-64D Apache Production List
AH-64E Apache Production List
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AH-64D Apache Longbow aerobatic tests
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100th AH-64D Apache Longbow to US Army
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Boeing Awarded Contract for 11 US Army AH-64D Nov 20, 2006
Boeing Completes Delivery of Remanufactured AH-64D Apaches for Egypt Jan 4, 2007
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Crew : 2
AH-64A :
Mission: Attack Helicopter
Engines: 2 * 1536 hp General Electric T700-700 Turbine engines
Top Speed: 309 km/h
Range: 610 km -- Max: 1804 Km
Weight: Empty: 4657 kg -- Max: 8006
Rotor Span: 14.63 m
Length: 14.97 m
Height: 4.22 m
Disc Area: 168.11 m2
AH-64A :
Mission: Attack Helicopter
Engines: 2 * 1536 hp General Electric T700-700 Turbine engines
Top Speed: 309 km/h
Range: 610 km -- Max: 1804 Km
Weight: Empty: 4657 kg -- Max: 8006
Rotor Span: 14.63 m
Length: 14.97 m
Height: 4.22 m
Disc Area: 168.11 m2

By late 1996, McDonnell Douglas had delivered 937 AH-64A Apaches, 821 to the US Army and 116 to international customers, including Egypt, Greece, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Boeing acquired McDonnell Douglas and launched a new variant, the AH-64D Longbow Apache . Near 600 AH-64A were upgraded with 1800 shp T700-GE-701 turboshafts engines, the Westinghouse Longbow radar system for automatic detection and classification of targets and all weather fire-and-forget type weapons. New built aircraft production followed.
The Longbow Apache was exported to the United Kingdom, as WAH-64 to be assembled by Westland, and to the Netherlands.

Boeing has developed and delivered Apache Longbow Crew Trainers -- deployable, full-mission, high-fidelity flight simulators -- to the US Army, Dutch Air Force and international customers ensuring readiness levels for individuals, crews and maintenance test pilots.


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