Bergamini (2013) class - FFG - Guided-Missile Frigate IMO: 4568921 MMSI: 247364400 Flight Deck: F594 Call Sign: IAIL Shipyard: Fincantieri Riva Trigoso See Also: FF Alpino class F 580 Events ---Filter---Laid downLaunchedCommissionedDeployment History of Alpino F 594 2012-feb-23Laid downLaid down Fincantieri Riva Trigoso 2014-dec-13LaunchedLaunched godmother of the launch: mrs Maria Rosa Solimano 2016-sep-30CommissionedCommissioned at Muggiano Shipyard 2019-feb-26DeploymentDeployment Dynamic Manta 2019 with SH-90A-Grottaglie-4° Gruppo on board 2022-aug-10DeploymentDeployment SNMG2 sailing alongside USS Harry S Truman Carrier Strike Group in the Mediterranean. Add new event for this unitYear:Month: <- (1/12) Optional Day: <- (1/31) Optional Text: Add Event Specifications Bergamini (2013) class 150crew 6900full load (tn) 144.60length (m) 19.70beam (m) 8.70draught (m) 6700range (nm) 29max speed (knots) 4Naval Engine diesel2Naval Engine electric motors1Naval Engine gas turbine - General Electric LM2500 Aircraft Typical Max Italian Navy NHI NH90 NFH 12 Italian Navy AW EH101 01 Builder Fincantieri Riva Trigoso, Sestri Levante