1952 to present

usa 33d Rescue Squadron

US Air Force

33 RQS

33d Rescue Squadron US Air Force

33d Rescue Squadron
Tail Codes
ZZ 1985-   
The 33 RQS provides combat search and rescue (CSAR) for Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) in the Indo-Pacific region.

1952-1965 : 33d Air Rescue Squadron (33 ARS)
1965-1966 : 33d Air Recovery Squadron
1966-1989 : 33d Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron (33 ARRS)
1989-1993 : 33d Air Rescue Squadron (33 ARS)
1993- : 33d Rescue Squadron (33 RQS)

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  News about 33 RQS

Pacific Air Forces Upgrades to HH-60W

Pacific Air Forces Upgrades to HH-60W

04-Feb-24 - The US Air Force’s 33d Rescue Squadron, stationed at Kadena AFB in Japan, has initiated the transition from the HH-60G Pave Hawk to the new HH-60W Jolly Green II. The 33 RQS is responsible for providing combat search and rescue (CSAR) in the Indo-Pacific region #Japan
USAF Pave Hawks Training at USCG Rescue School

USAF Pave Hawks Training at USCG Rescue School

20-Apr-23 - US Air Force HH-60G Pave Hawk active duty, Guard and Reserve crews along Canadians from RCAF Comox base completed joint rescue training at US Coast Guard Station Astoria, Oregon #rescue
Kadena AFB Retires Pave Hawk 401

Kadena AFB Retires Pave Hawk 401

04-Jul-21 - After 28 years of service, the US Air Force retires the Sikorsky HH-60G Pave Hawk #26401 which served in Kadena, Japan in the search and rescue mission since 1993. Will now be used as a ground instructional training aircraft #PaveHawk401
Emergency Response Drill in Osan

Emergency Response Drill in Osan

22-Dec-19 - USAF 33d RQS Pave Hawk in Osan AFB, South Korea por Medical Evacuation (MedEvac) military training #MedEvac
Kadena Pave Hawk Save Downed Osprey Crew

Kadena Pave Hawk Save Downed Osprey Crew

15-Dec-16 - USAF 33rd and 31st Rescue Squadrons based at Kadena AFB, Japan rescued five crew of a Marine VMM-265 squadron MV-22B Osprey after an emergency landing into the Pacific Ocean near Camp Schwab off Okinawa
    More News ...


1971-    JP Kadena AFBRODN
1955/70JP NahaROAH

helicopter   Models

Years Models
2024-    HH-60W Jolly Green II
1985/24 S-70 H-60 HH-60G Pave Hawk
1975/82 S-65 H-53
1971/72 H-43 Huskie
1968/92 S-61 H-3
1964/66 H-43 Huskie
1952/64 S-55 H-19

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