Helicopter Accidents

2025 uh-60l 29-Jan-25 US 00-26860 : w/o 29jan25 involved in midair collision with American Eagle (PSA Airlines) Bombardier CRJ-701ER N709PS flight 5342 . 67 fatalities
2024 as332L 2179 22-Nov-24 US N368EV : w/o 22nov24 Crashed 15 km west of One Tree, New South Wales Australia, while on route from YBHI (Broken Hill Airport) to YMAY (Albury Airport). One person was found deceased and one seriously injured. Helicopter was to be used during the fire season in Victoria, Australia as Helitak 340.
2024 h125 8986 13-Aug-24 ZK-ISS : w/o 13aug24 spreading fertilizer a rope became entangled in rotor blades at Waitomo, Waikato. One seriously injured
2024 aw109s 22069 10-Aug-24 IT EC-NRI : 061 emergency services; w/o 10aug24 caught fire at football field n Cabra, Córdoba, Andalusia. Patient suffered serious injuries
2024 as350b2 4851 07-Aug-24 NP 9N-AJD : w/o 08aug24 crashed on a forested hillside, Surya Chaur-7, Nuwakot, Nepal. 5 fatalities
2024 as350b2 3742 07-Aug-24 KR HL9184 : w/o 07aug24 hit powerline performing a pest control flight on chestnut trees near Hongpyeong, South Gyeongsang province
2024 md500e 0332E 05-Aug-24 PK-IWN : PT Intan Angkasa Air Service; w/o 05aug24 attacked by Papuan separatists at Alama District, Mimika Regency, Papua
2024 407 53242 03-Aug-24 N20BH : w/o 03aug24 crashed in a field near Burley, ID
2024 412epi 37018 03-Aug-24 5X-ABR : w/o 03aug24 during charter flight, fire developed in cockpit and emergency landing at Mbarara-Nyakisharara airstrip
2024 MD530F 0251FF US N530JL : landed on a road after experiencing vibration. No injuries or damage. helicopter recovered by road

Accident Reports

Requested Information

#43 28apr68 UH-2C crashed into Gulf of Tonkin after a 1 per took pilots attention away from Radar Altimeter and he flew it into the ocean. All 4 crew survived. HC-1 Det 63 off the Kitty Hawk (CVA 63). I was one of the crew.
#42 December 29, 2018, An unidentified UAE air force AW139 crashed. VIDEO
#41 1958 Looking for information regarding HUP-2 crash during MED cruise while serving with HU-2 on the USS Forrestal. Accident occurred when attempting to land on a supply ship, while directed to land on the narrow portion of the landing platform ( in spite of pilot wanting to land on the longer portion because it was directly into the relative wind) the tail wheel caught on the steel safety net. Trying to lift off, the tail wheel held fast resulting in the loss of lift and the helo crashed into the sea. Pilot escaped and was rescued.
#40 1977 Nahanni helicopters British Columbia involved in forest fire fighting northwestern Ontario 2 fatalities. Tim Sullivan and Harold Nickel of Kenora.
PROBABLY 17mar68 I am trying to find information about my Fathers Navy Helicopter Crash VX-1 Squadron of the coast of Key West Florida. I believe it was a Sea King
#38 19may69 US Army helicopter crash in wilflecken, Germany
#37 Helicopter off USS Guam. On a mission to Peru to send medical supplies after earthquake
ADDED Brazil A S92 from BHS Brazilian Helicopter Services (CHC) hit the antenna on the final approach to an oil rig SS60 at Macae
#35 1978 (77, 76, 79?) or so, either a Bell 205 or 212 from Okanagan helicopters working with Canadian Mountain Holidays crashed in the Monashee Mountains north of Revelstoke, killing 5, including pilot Dan Hayes and guide Leo? I was skiing at the time and was one ride ahead of the crash.
#34 22Dec68, Imperial Beach NAS, uh-2c crashed after engine oil access hatch opened during flight damaging main rotor. Three crew killed.
#33 Searching for a female U.S.N. Helo pilot involved in crash at sea and saved her whole crew. Her last or maiden name would be Whorton or Horton.
ADDED 26 July 1974, CH-53A , MARTD Alameda, Ca. HMH-769 Rotor Blade comes apart in flight
#31 May 7, 1956 a Piasecki H-21 flying from Sewart Air Base in Tennessee to Olmstead Air Base in Middleton PA, crashed and burned on a farm in Middle Tenn. after experiencing engine problems. I witnessed this crash site as a child and have evidence recently discovered at the crash site, but can find no records of the crash. How can I find more info?
#30 Request information about a helo crash during take off from USS JULIUS A FURER (FFG 6) during deployment crossing MED - IO Cruise 1984, as part of USS SARATOGA (CV 60) Battle Group. Ship was steaming in a sea state six during helo attempted take off . Helo was lost by JAF recovered BG CMDR plus 3 other souls (flight crew). If possible would like Aircraft Designation, Serial No. and any related info (date / time) available on this loss.
#29 HMLA-167 UH1-Y Hard landing helmand province afghanistan 2013: broke right skid and flir, main rotors had to be cut apart to transport the aircraft from the crash site. Pilot in charge responsible for the crash. Ive never heard of anyone finding out in the media but i took pictures of the aircraft when it got back to bastion.
ADDED There is a SH-2D that crashed at NAS Patuxent River, in the late 70s where 3 crewman of VX-1 we're killed as the SH-2 was hovering over the runway and the engine door came open in flight getting up into the rotor blades bring the Helicopter down and landing on its top. The total under carriage was completely in tact with the landing gear still down. No where on the internet is this listed. If you have any information on this crash please send it. I would like to do a 40th anniversary commemorating my shipmates on a webpage.
#27 Request information about a helo crash during take off from USS JULIUS A FURER (FFG 6) during deployment crossing MED - IO Cruise 1984, estimated April 1984, as part of USS SARATOGA (CV 60) Battle Group. Ship was steaming in a sea state six during helo attempted take off . Helo was lost but JAF recovered BG CMDR plus 3 other souls (flight crew). If possible would like Aircraft Designation, Serial No. and any related info available on this loss.
#26 An UH-1B US Army Helicopter crash August or September 1966 leaving Patuxent River Naval Air Station, Maryland
#25 I am looking for information about an Marine "Eagle Claw" gunship that was shot down while flying in support of an insertion in Laos (MAC/SOG) CCN in 1970. All of the crew except for one were KIA, and the other member was able to E&E for 17 days before his recovery. The reason for my inquire is because I was the Chase Medic on that insertion as well as his recovery. I am trying to compile information on that incident. Thank you for your assistance. Paul Whitmore
#24 3 May 1955 :Four U.S. Army personnel are killed in a nighttime crash of a helicopter on main post at Fort Benning, Georgia. A Sikorsky H-19 Chickasaw crashed and burned in a heavily wooded area ~.5 miles from a housing development while on a routine training flight at Fort Benning. Killed were: Capt. Earl J. Scott, pilot; Capt. Robert F. Carter, pilot; SFC. Herman W. Punke; and Sgt. Horace G. Connor.
#23 20 January 2015 : A UH-60 Black Hawk operated by the California Army National Guard out of Los Alamitos Army Airfield, California, suffers a hard landing at Ramona Airport at ~1800 hrs. ending up on its starboard side. The crew received minor injuries and were treated at the scene then transported to hospital for further examination. "A statement issued by the National Guard said the helicopter sustained significant damage, but did not say why the pilot had to make the forced landing."Repard, Pauline, "National Guard helicopter crashes in Ramona", ''U-T San Diego'', San Diego, CA
A grainy photo shoed a partial serial that I believe ends in 580. This could tie up with A-model 81-23580, but this is an educated guess on my part. C. Mark Sublette, Clemson, S.C.
#22 I am looking for details of a Marine CH 46 Helicopter crash in or arounf Japan 1970. Apparently A bolt in the transmission wasn't properly saftey wired. The bolt came loose causing the Crash. Wayne Sthpen Hackler, was a casualty of this crash. We were friends and fellow Marines
#21 I m looking for information about a Japanese civilian helicopter crash at Marine base, Camp Fuji, Japan in 1981, between July and September. Both Pilots were killed. It crashed into the fence of the base and side of the roadway going up the mountain.
#20 On Jan 5th, 1992 one helicopter flew from Abu Dhabi towards Ras Al Khaimah taking few U. A. E Air Force men and got crashed. Teams were sent for search but couldnt find. then American team found out the remains after 1-2 days. all the dead bodies were completely burnt and couldnt be identified other than by hair, or a ring etc. One of them was my father, Mr. Nadeem Ahmed Khan.
#19 In March (give or take a month) 1988 two UH-60s crashed together on Ft Campbell, KY. 101st AV Reg.
PROBABLY Loss of Westland Whirlwind 1962-63 with Gurkha patrol on board. Supposedly never found.
ADDED 08feb92 ch-53e from HMH-464 crashed at NAS Cecil Field, Florida killing four crew members. Cause of accident was due to failure of stack bearing in sleeve and spindle. I was in second helicopter. cant find any info on this crash anywhere on web or in news archives. Nov 4(?) 1992 HMH-461 had ch-53e crash on maint. flight off canary island killing crew (my old roommate was lost in this one) Nothing on this crash either. june/july navy crashed one off Norfolk killing crew as well
#16 CH46 explosion with fatalities at MCAS(H)New River, NC approximate date 1974. Internal fuel tank exploded. Cause stress cracks of rotor blade allowing blade to break apart and then rupturing fuel tank. Details needed.
ADDED HH-43 crash at Perin AFB in Dec 1970. Safety wire or split pin (can't remember which) on a rotor blade pitch control was left off during maintenance. Nut detached during subsequent check flight causing loss of control, and the aircraft crashed aprox. 7 miles east of field. The pilot and passenger (the maintenance man who had actually performed the work and hopped on at the last minute) were both killed. I was flying a T-37 training mission in the local area about 10 miles south of the base and heard the radio transmissions and witnessed the fireball. John Fitzpatrick Capt. USAF (Ret.)
#14 Marine helicopter CH 46 3rd batallion 4th marines 1985 crashed in north Carolina in Morehead citty
#13 Fort hood tx 1973 midair collision l was in the helix would like to find out about Other survivers
#12 hmm263 July 26 154812 shot down in Vietnam
#11 ch-46 helicopter crash uss tarawa off phillipines
#10 334th aerial weapons co dec. 17 1969 ah1g cobra last three on tail number 747
ADDED r22 beta , bedford downs station , november 1991.vh-xks
ADDED Bell 206, registered to Coyote Helicopters out of Moncton NB, crashed in summer of 1980 near Trout Lake in the sw corner of the NWT, while working a forest fire. Identified as C-GLLP. Cause; tail rotor failure. No Fatalities
ADDED 4 de agosto de 2013, aeronave Ecureuil AS-350-B3 matricula EC-KIE en Puebla del Maestre (Badajoz). La CIAIAC ha desplazado a dos
#6 My name is Ronald Williams, and I was part of the forces in Panama during Operation Just Cause. I am trying to get information on a downed helicopter in panama between Jan89-Jun89. The pilot was Warrant Officer Brian. We were from Ft ord California, an was deployed to Panama. I think it was an OH58, or a AH1 cobra.
PANAMA CITY, Panama -- A small Army observation helicopter crashed Thursday in Panama, killing three soldiers as they provided escort for a military convoy, a U.S. military spokesman said. The OH-58 helicopter crashed near the Trans-Isthmian Highway in the vicinity of the Madden Dam water plant at about 4 p.m. EDT. All three soldiers in the aircraft were killed, said U.S. Southern Command spokesman William Ormsbee. 'There is no indication of foul play, and it is being considered an accident for now,' Ormsbee said. The names of the soldiers were being withheld from the public, pending notification of family members, he said. The helicopter was assigned to the 7th Infantry Division at Fort Ord, Calif. The aircraft was on temporary duty in the Central American nation. 'It was providing command and control for a military convoy traveling from Fort Clayton to Fort Sherman at the time of the accident. The accident is under investigation by military authorities,' said Pentagon spokesman Maj. John Smith in Washington.
ADDED Reuesting for Cause of accident - helicopter VT-SWA in India on 19 Jun 2011
#4 In 1957 (Buddhist Era was 2500)_ in the month of May-June a Bell 47 helicopter clashed at Phupakdai, now in Phureua District of Loei Province, in the far remote area. Among the 3 injured personals consisted of 2 Thai persons, named Preecha and Manu. And one American person name 'Howard' who suffered from his thigh bone broken. After all he was rescued by villagers. Who was said to have been sent to Philipines for hospitalized until he was cured. After sometimes he returned to that place again to say thanks to people who had rescued him, etc. My name is Dr. P. Boonshoo Sriburin, I was born in the village nearby the area of incident . I am living now in Chicago. I want to know him and to understand the condition of the incident; and to make him as a part of our local history.
#3 looking for information to help an elderly marine veteran friend of mine. He's interested in getting information about a marine helicopter crash that occurred in January of 1977 in Hilo, Hawaii. He believes there may have been two helicopters involved and remembers around 20-30 people died. He is interested in knowing the Squadron that the helicopters belonged to.
#2 Here's a minor event in Nevada from 1957. I'm not sure if it is notable in that there were no deaths or injuries. Also, it is not clear what type of helicopter was involved.
US Navy, October 2, 1957

Reno Evening Gazette, October 3, 1957, p. 21

Navy Helicopter Down in Humboldt
A havy helicopter was sent into the remote Jackson Creek area west of Winnemucca today to rescue four crewmen who crashed in another helicopter yesteray. The downed whirlybird was reported to be seriously damages but none of the men were injured says the Naval Air station at Fallon. The cause of the mishap, which occurred on Jackson Mount about 50 miles west of Winnemucca, has not been determined. The crewmen spent the night at a ranch in the area.
#1 HMT-301 had a mid air a 53 crashed and the other made a safe landing, happened in the early 70's. Another was in late 81 HMH-772 were dong CQ's and one 53 hit an already chained down 53. Loss of all on board the flying 53.

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