2007 to present

russia Rostvertol

Russian Helicopters

Rostvertol, OJSC is a subsidiary of Russian Helicopters that produces and upgrades Mil-brand helicopters. As of 2013, it mass-produces the Mi-28 Night Hunter (Mi-28NE in its export version); the Mi-35M combat support helicopter; and the multi-role transport Mi-26T, the worlds heaviest-lift helicopter. It is also the parent company of airline Rostvertol-avia

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  News about Rostvertol

Russia Begins Serial Production of Mi-28NM

Russia Begins Serial Production of Mi-28NM

01-Oct-20 - Rostvertol plant begins serial production of the new Mi-28NM Night Hunter gunship helicopter. Russian Helicopters plans to provide 98 helicopters by 2027 NightHunter
Mi-26T2 for Ministry of Emergency Situations

Mi-26T2 for Ministry of Emergency Situations

25-Aug-20 - The Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations to receive the first upgraded Mi-26T2. The Mi-26T2 is an upgraded variant of the largest helicopter of the world #ARMY2020
Russia Begins Serial Production of Mi-35P

Russia Begins Serial Production of Mi-35P

24-Aug-20 - Rostvertol, part of Russian Helicopters, begun production of the Mi-35P upgraded attack helicopter for an undisclosed foreign customer. The Mi-35P adds new avionics systems including IR, laser designator and NVG capabilities #Hind
Russian Helicopters Defense Review 2019

Russian Helicopters Defense Review 2019

31-Dec-19 - Russian Helicopters companies Progress AAC and Rostvertol delivered more than 20 Ka-52, Mi-35M and Mi-28N/UB attack helicopters to the Russian Armed Forces in 2019 while continue upgrading programs for the Mi-28NM and Ka-52 #Defense
First Flight of Modernized Mi-26T2V

First Flight of Modernized Mi-26T2V

26-Aug-18 - Rostvertol completed first flight of the modernized Mi-26T2V helicopter capable to carry up to 20 tonnes of cargo #Mi26
    More News ...


2007-    Rostvertol Plant

helicopter   Models

Years Models
2013-    Ka-52
2007-    Mi-28 Havoc
2007-    Mi-26 Halo
2007-    Mi-24 Hind

Construction Numbers (Not all in this unit)

C/N VersionBuiltIn this OrgIn other Org
35382001003 Ka-52K Katran 2015 01-03:
Russian Navy 103 yellow: third of K version for Navy at Milya i Kamova farm
Russian Navy 103 yellow: XV MAKS International Aviation and Space Salon
Russian Navy 103 yellow: CUBAN
35382001004 Ka-52K Katran 2015 01-04:
Russian Navy 104 yellow: Ka-52K Milya i Kamova farm
Russian Navy 104 yellow: NTSV im. Mil and Kamova (Lyubertsy) (HE2S)
Russian Navy 104 yellow: Still
Russian Navy 104 yellow: Off airport
35382001005 Ka-52K Katran 01-05:
35382001006 Ka-52K Katran 01-06:
35382001007 Ka-52K Katran 01-07:
35382001008 Ka-52K Katran 01-08:
35382001009 Ka-52K Katran 01-09:
35382001010 Ka-52K Katran 01-10:
87980006003 ka-52 061 black: Aero India (first!)-96 Airshow
061 black: f/f at JSC Kamov Plant
061 black: Zhukovsky Moscow Air Show
Russian Air Force 061 yellow:
Russian Air Force 061 yellow:
3538262800002 ka-52 062 ye: F/f
062 ye: First noted
062 ye:
062 ye: VVS Rossii' titles and Russian stars (from 2012)
3538264800003 ka-52 063 ye: F/f
063 ye: pictured at Paris Air Show
063 ye:
3538263901001 ka-52 2009 51 ye:
Russian Air Force 51 ye:
Russian Air Force 51 ye:
3538264901003 ka-52 2009 53 ye:
53 ye:
53 ye:
53 ye:
53 ye:
Russian Air Force 53 ye:
34012299015 mi-28 915 black:
Algerian Air Force SC-11:
35383000001 ka-52 2021 NO CODE: ka-52 E(xport version)
15 C/N found in this Organisation.

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